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贸易逆差有升有降,这很正常。It goes up, it goes down.

美国需要削减他的贸易逆差,中国则对外贸易过剩。The US needs to cut its trade deficit, China its surplus.

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三月九号数据显示一月份贸易逆差继续扩大。Figures due on March 9th may even show a deficit in January.

至少贸易逆差下降了,这是好事儿。The trade deficit is coming down, you know I think it's good.

他们不能漠视佩罗特的信息在贸易逆差。They could not afford to ignore Perot's message on the deficit.

阿根廷对华贸易差额在2008年转为逆差。Argentina's trade balance with China swung into a deficit in 2008.

它让美国和欧洲陷入巨大的贸易逆差困境中。It is fueling huge trade deficits in the United States and Europe.

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7月欧盟对中国的贸易逆差为122亿欧元。The EU reported a 12.2-billion-euro trade deficit with China in July.

注重多空套做。也就是说,假如逆差正在减小,不要瞧多。Watch the spreads i. e. , don't be bullish if inverses are narrowing.

这是自1998年以来可比数据中逆差最大的一次。This is the largest such deficit since comparable records began in 1998.

结果是外国投资额大于本国储蓄额,这就形成了贸易逆差。It's attractive to invest more than our savings, that's the trade deficit.

共和党和民主党想超越自己在切削贸易逆差。Republicans and Democrats meant to outdo themselves in cutting the deficit.

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美国仍然是消费多于生产,留下了长期性的贸易逆差。The US still consumes more than it produces, running a chronic trade deficit.

但是,假如人民币升值,贸易逆差的纠纷能否得到解决呢?But will disputes over the trade deficit be solved if the yuan is appreciated?

而这个贸易逆差补平的唯一办法就是提高纺织品的出口。This trade deficit could only be overcome through increase in textile exports.

中国的货物贸易是顺差,但服务贸易是逆差。China has a surplus in trade of goods, but runs a deficit in trade of services.

要解决中美贸易逆差问题,就需要美国扭转高消费政策和中国扭转低消费政策。A. reverse its high-consuming policy and China turn round its low-consuming policy.

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但是美国在2008年到2009年期间与90多个国家存在贸易逆差。But it turns out that America ran trade deficits with over 90 countries in 2008-09.

排除掉这些因素之后,美国对中国的贸易逆差将缩水一大半。Knock out these and America's bilateral deficit with China shrinks by more than half.

因此,我们要怎样消除,或至少大大地减少我们和中国之间的贸易逆差呢?So how can we eliminate, or at least drastically reduce, our trade deficit with China?