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我父亲是人民战争的强烈支持者。My father was a strong sympathizer of the People's War.

在西方,人们不大了解什么是人民战争。IN THE West, not much is understood about a people's war.

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一切侵略者都将被淹没在人民战争的汪洋大海之中。All aggressors will be drowned in the ocean of people's war.

军事思想的一个重要组成部分,是关于人民战争的思想。The main part of martial theory is about people war thoughts.

安阳县的群众所进行的完全是一场人民战争。What was being waged in Anyang County was strictly a people's war.

人民战争摧毁了农村地区的封建制度。The people's war has helped crush the feudal structure in the rural areas.

军事思想的一个重要组成部分,是关于人民战争的思想。one of the important part of military ideology is about the thought of people's war.

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人民战争思想是有着深厚的哲学思想渊源和丰富的实践基础的。The people's war thought is of deep philosophy origin and abundant practice foundation.

我们认为我们发动的人民战争不反对,或者说,大体上是不反对多党民主的。We don't believe that the people's war we initiated was against, or mainly against, multiparty democracy.

然而,这地方大数人们在支持人民战争方面摇摆不定,这取决于人民战争的强弱。Still, most of the people in this area are wavering in their support, depending on how strong the People's War is.

有几个班自人民战争发动后在工作,其它班于一年前在乡下建立。Several squads have been working since the initiation and one other was established in the countryside one year ago.

伴随意思形态和现实领域的人民战争,印度毛主义运动不断壮大。India's Maoist movement is expanding its operations as its People's War develops along ideological and pragmatic lines.

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而且,人民战争总是在人们的家乡一带进行,离人们生活中最亲近和最珍贵的东西很近。A people's war, however, is always waged right around a man's home and close to what he holds most near and dear in life.

淮海战役,被认作为是一场人民战争的典范或者是作为有太祖特色的革命战争的一个部分来研究。The Huai Hai Campaign could be studied as an example of a people's war or as part of the Maoist model for revolutionary war.

同志们是那么深刻地认识到这场人民战争是世界革命斗争的一部分,我再一次被他们的精神感动了。Once again, it strikes me how much these comrades see the People's War here as part of the worldwide struggle for revolution.

在革命的人民战争中,群众的情绪决定一切。正是蒋所不能理解的这种群众情绪把他推翻了。In these spheres, mass passions were king and it was these passions that Chiang failed to understand and that overwhelmed him.

Michael的父亲在苏丹人民战争中去世,所以他现在跟着伯父生活,从而可以上一间较好的学校。Michael's father died during Sudan's civil war, and he now lives in Juba with his uncle so that he can attend a better school.

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人民战争发动后,暴徒们迫使四个人转入地下,留在村里是危险的,所以我有点害怕。After the initiation, goons forced four people to go underground, and it was dangerous in our village, so I was a little afraid.

大学生军训工作是我党、我军坚持人民战争思想的具体体现之一。Military training for college students is the concrete reflection of upholding the thought of people's war of our Party and Army.

土地改革运动直接导致了一场人民战争,许多县的国民党军队都在这场战争中被逐个消灭了。Finally, land reform led directly to a people's war which in many counties resulted in the piecemeal destruction of Chiang's armies.