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是否要假装我喜欢他们?Pretend I like them?

其他女性都是假装的。All the others fake it.

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这一点是假装不来的。There’sno way to fake it.

我会假装相信你。I feign , I shall believe!

装死或假装睡。Possum or pretend to sleep.

谁想假装自信呢?Who wants to fake confidence?

但是很奇怪,假装自信的确有用。But strangely, faking it works.

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我假装仍是睡着了。I pretended to still be asleep.

他假装新闻记者混了进去。He posed as a newsman to get in.

他假装搔耳朵。He pretended to scratch his ear.

没有人看破他的假装。Nobody saw through his disguise.

假装或夸大伤势。Feigning, or exaggerating injury.

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他假装没有听见。He made as though he didn't hear.

她假装没理会。She pretended not to take notice.

假装自己是一个文化人。I simulate myself an intellectual.

他假装是个古钱币专家。He posed as an expert on old coins.

他们假装听错了我的话。They pretended to misunderstand me.

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即使你觉得厌烦,也假装有兴趣。Act interested even if you're bored.

他假装正在吃饺子。He pretended to be eating dumplings.

我假装这些伤口不存在。I pretended the wounds didn’t exist.