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许多采用买进并持有策略的投资者抛售该股。Many buy-and-hold investors bailed out.

Stiles表示,部分抛售是受技术性因素影响.Stiles said some selling was technical.

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我们抛售了许多旧的汽车模型。We cleared a lot of the old model cars.

食品公司正急着抛售股票。The food company was to sell its shares.

中国抛售美国国债,美元崩溃?China throws the US debt-Dollar collapse?

其实,大多数人根本连想都没想就抛售了。Heck, most of them aren't thinking at all.

一金融市场出现恶性抛售。One money market appears malign undersell.

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我们预计会出现更大规模的抛售。As such we expect additional large sell-offs.

这会引起连锁反应恐慌性的抛售美元。It would trigger panic selling of the dollar.

当然你或许不会等那么久,提早出手抛售黄金。Of course you may hope to sell long before then.

他说,现在有新的投资者在抛售了。Nordvig. 'Somebody new is selling now, ' he said.

但Suppiger说他认为抛售做的有点过了。But Suppiger said he believes the selloff was overdone.

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然而,这些投资者习惯于逢高抛售。However, such investors are wont to sell into strength.

更可能的是,精明投资者很可能会抛售黄金而获利了结。If anything, the smart money is likely to take profits.

在亚洲其他股市,本星期的抛售之风都没有减弱。There was no let-up to this week's selling across Asia.

穿过南部和北部,直抵吉拉格岛,到处抛售爱情。Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.

好像几乎没有投资者会被迫抛售美国国债。It seems few investors will be forced to sell Treasurys.

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如果有足够多的股东往外抛售股票,那么股票价格将暴跌。If enough shareholders bail out, the stock price tumbles.

因此交易者应考虑逢高抛售。So, traders should consider sell into counter-trend bounces.

最后,金融业的暴徒一哄而散,大家抢着抛售。Then the financial mob turned and there was a frenzy to sell.