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于是大流士王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。So King Darius put the decree in writing.

穆罕默德的玉玺就是一枚银环镶边的阴雕红玉髓。Muhammad's seal was an engraved Cornelian set in a silver ring.

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据说,李从珂当时便随身携带着“传国玉玺”。It is said that from the Li Ke was then to carry the "Chuan-Guo Yu-xi."

菊花公主被迫带着玉玺,四处逃亡。Chrysanthemum princess is forced to taking imperial jade seal, abscond everywhere.

这个玉玺是中国历史上在位最长的皇帝之一-乾隆,在一百多年前拥有。It was one of hundreds owned by Emperor Qianlong, one of the longest serving Chinese emperors.

拍卖会上,尹朱萍用起价的双倍赎回了大韩帝国的玉玺。In the sale commitment , Yin Jooping used double starting price get the emporer's confirm of Daham back.

七月,中国任命了孙玉玺为阿富汗特命全权大使,其曾为德里和喀布尔的大使。In July, Chinanamed a special envoy to Afghanistan, Sun Yuxi, a former ambassador to both Delhi and Kabul.

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玉玺长14厘米,宽10厘米,上有6个红色汉字和两条在祥云中嬉戏的蟠龙。Bearing 6 red Chinese characters with 2 dragons on top, frolicking in the clouds, the seal is 14cm long and 10cm wide.

“太平玉玺”在史学界有多种不同的读法,但都失之偏颇。In the historical circle there are different methods to read the Taiping Imperial Jade Seal. But none of them is appropriate.

印碧霞拿着传国玉玺就给侯德标打了电话,说她同意用传国玉玺来跟他们交换林涛。Print brigitte chardonnay with the decree is called Hou Debiao, said she agreed to use the decree to exchange with them Lin tao.

上海玉玺彩印有限公司成立于2001年,是目前上海金山地区最具规模的一家彩印厂。Shanghai Yuxi Printing Co. , Ltd. was established in 2001, is currently the largest in Shanghai Jinshan, a color printing plant.

烧掉身分证、将象征国徽皇位的玉玺一把摔烂了,老百姓就会重归纯朴。ID card should be burned and the jade seal of kings and dukes should be crushed, which may enable people return to the life of simplicity and purity.

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另外还有玉玺、漆器、古代犀角、古青铜器、木雕家具和翡翠,尤其是和田白玉,也极受追捧。They also appreciate seals, lacquerware, antique rhinoceros horn, archaic bronzes, carved wooden furniture and jade, especially the white sort from Khotan.

目前,知晓轻轻真实身份的人极少,传国玉玺已在楚淮的事也无人得知。Currently, the person who understands a lightly true identity is very few, spreading the country imperial seal already in Chu Huai's commerce too unmanned understand.

仪式结束后,孙玉玺大使随同中国代表团前往中方边贸市场所在地仁青岗,出席仁青岗边贸市场开放庆典,并参观了市场的各种设施。After the reopening of Nathula trade route, Ambassador Sun paid a visit to Renqinggang trade market located in Tibet Autonomous Region and attended its opening ceremony.

拿到魏国玉玺和首籍,李环以为大功告成,而范喜良却在房屋倒塌时,不忘搭救魏国士兵。Take Guo Yuxi of the Kingdom of Wei to mix a book, li Huan thinks success, and Fan Xiliang is however when building collapse, do not forget country of saving the Kingdom of Wei soldier.

印碧霞带着传国玉玺按时来到了野人山的破庙,她一出现,便被埋伏在那里的江川与侯德标和许多鬼子兵团团包围。Print brigitte chardonnay with the countries decree came to savage mountain ruined temple on time, she appeared, there was an ambush jiangchuan and Hou Debiao and many GuiZiBing surrounded.

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中国驻印度大使孙玉玺专程从新德里赶往乃堆拉山口出席边贸通道的开通仪式。H.E. Mr. Sun Yuxi, Ambassador of China to India, made a special trip from Delhi to attend the Reopening Ceremony. After arrival, Ambassador Sun was interviewed by Indian and international media.