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转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?Is reincarnation fact or fable?

天文学家们说,所有这些都是无稽之谈。Bll of it, astronomers say, is bunk.

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他说我的理论大多数是无稽之谈。He said most of my theory is eyewash.

因此这个问题根本是无稽之谈So the question can't even get off the ground.

我一生中还没有听到过这种无稽之谈。I've never heard such a load of cobblers in my life.

说他夏天离开的传闻只是无稽之谈。Talk of him leaving in the summer is just mischief-making.

乌克兰媒体称我们是卡扎菲的后宫佳丽,那简直是无稽之谈,我们中间没有人是他的情妇,我们仅仅在测量血压的时候会和他有接触。The Ukrainian press called us Gaddafi’s harem. That’s nonsense.

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你不会真的以为我会相信那种无稽之谈吧?You don't really expect me to buy that cock-and-bull story, do you?

这项发现证明了男学生更聪明的说法纯属无稽之谈。The finding debunks the myth that male students are more intelligent.

但如果历史规律真的有参考价值的话,那么股市年底反弹或许并非无稽之谈。But if history's any guide, a year-end rally may not be so far-fetched.

伊丽莎白本来爱听无稽之谈,不过威廉爵士那一套她实在听得腻了。Elizabeth loved absurdities, but she had known Sir William's too long.

这种想法对我而言是无稽之谈,我丝毫没觉得自己屈尊了。This thinking makes no sense to me. I certainly don't feel like I'm settling.

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我们似乎不能认为这个“天才”讲得都是无稽之谈。You can't expect the "talent" to travel to the back end of nowhere, I suppose.

它的巨大多数篇幅没有任何数字,而是一堆关于基线和比率的无稽之谈。Mostly it was a lot of blah-blah about baselines and ratios without any numbers.

如果你觉得这听起来像是无稽之谈,再想想看。If that sounds like something out of a far-fetched Star Trek episode, think again.

如果你进行类似的逐字翻译,也会最终成为无稽之谈。If you try similar word-for-word translations, you too could end up with nonsense.

现在,我第一次看到这样的代码时,我认为这完全是无稽之谈。Now, the first time I looked at something like that, I thought it was sheer madness.

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与此同时官方科学仍然坚称精神电子是无稽之谈。At the same time the official science still insists that psychotronic is mere charlatanry.

“差不多”的书山整体矗立在一致的无稽之谈的广大平原上。The entire mountain of "almost" books stood in an enormous plain of undifferentiated nonsense.

曹操墓不会在邯郸境内,而所谓“曹操墓在亳州”,更是无稽之谈。Cao Cao's Tomb not in Handan territory, the so-called "Tomb of Cao Cao in Bozhou, " is nonsense.