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那就是百货商场给他的回答。That's what they told him.

我那时会在崇光百货随便逛。I'll be at Sogo window shopping.

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我看到诺德斯特龙百货的股票今天再次下跌。I see Nordstrom's stock is down again today.

我必须赶在三点半前到花谷百货。I got to be at Bloomingdale's by three-thirty.

我喜欢在周末逛百货商场。I enjoy going to department stores on the weekends.

我听说麦嘉百货现在有些不错的优惠活动。I hear that Mega Mart has some great deals right now.

我喜欢铜锣湾的崇光日本百货。I loved SoGo, the Japanese dept store in Causeway Bay.

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我是中友百货的。This is a representative of Zhongyou Department Store.

欢迎光临我们舟山市第一百货!Welcome to our first department store in Zhoushan city!

喂,您好。我是中百百货的。Hello. This is a representative of Zhongbai Department Store.

它的特点之一,沉阳市最大的百货商场。It features one of the largest department stores in Shenyang.

史特劳斯家族取得梅西百货的多数股权。The Straus family acquires a general partnership with Macy's.

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在我成长的过程中,我妈妈经常带我去哈罗德百货商场。When I was growing up, my mother used to take me to Harrod's.

在这之后,我好多年都没去那家百货商场。I didn`t go back to the department store for years after that.

美国的百货商场似乎正在欣然接纳这股潮流。American department stores appear to be embracing the approach.

通过本次公募,银泰百货融入资金达3.11亿美元。The Intime group raised 311 million US dollars through the IPO.

在10种最咸的超市沙拉中,马拉百货占了7席。Marks & Spencer had seven of the 10 saltiest supermarket salads.

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她去了一家百货商场,里面服装品牌众多。She went to a department store with multiple clothing boutiques.

我碰巧知道在太平洋崇光百货附近有家晚上可以出去玩的地方。I happen to know a very night spot near the Sogo Department Store.

为了招揽生意这家百货商场进行打折活动。The department sore is offering big discounts to drum up business.