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这些视蛋白通常在眼睛里有感光功能。These usually function in the eyes to sense light.

噢,对了,感光板曾被压在那堆书下。Oh yes, it had been underneath that stack of books.

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在动盘上镶有图形传感器感光面阵。A movable disk has photosensing array of image sensor.

用于有机合成制造农药、医药、感光材料中间体。As intermediate for medicine , pesticide and sensitive material.

每一个小眼都有一套集光系统和感光系统。Each eye has a light gathering system and a sensitization system.

胶片的感光作用是光化作用的一种。The photosensitivity of film is one kind of photochemical action.

随着支持系统的消逝,感光层随之死亡。With their support system deteriorating, the photoreceptors die too.

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视网膜光化学损伤的实质是感光细胞凋亡。Apoptosis is the pathological essence of retinal photochemical injury.

首先,把一个照相底片覆盖上感光材料。First, a photographic plate is coated with a light-sensitive material.

在质谱仪中,离子聚焦在感光板上。In the mass spectrograph the ions are focused onto a photographic plate.

老鼠和人类的眼睛都有三种可以感光的感受器。Mice, and humans, have three types of light-detecting receptor in the eye.

它被广泛应用于感光材料和医药食品等行业。It is widely used in sensitive material, medicine, food and other industry.

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也有很多为感光器连接到电脑的周边产品。There are also designs around for a computer interface using photo-sensors.

这种方法可以用于对没有感光斑点的底片作面光源测光。It may be useful for surface photometry on plates without sensitometer spots.

感光资料、数字照相机都是照相器材。Light-sensitive materials and digital cameras are all photographic equipment.

感光材料、数字照相机都是照相器材。Light–sensitive materials and digital cameras are all photographic equipment.

感光度表示感光材料感光的快慢程度。Sensitivity of the speed of light-sensitive photographic materials that level.

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显影盒,感光构件盒,处理单元和成像装置。Developing box, light-sensitive member-box, processing unit and imaging device.

胚芽鞘内含少量的叶绿素并且通常是感光的。The coleoptile contains very little chlorophyll and is usually light-sensitive.

还有还有,照出来的片子简直酷毙了,这可要感谢我们大个儿的感光元件和镜头哦。And thanks to enormous light sensors and lenses, the photos just look fantastic.