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他推着车沿路叫卖水果。He vends fruit from cart.

他推着车沿路叫卖水果。He vends fruit from a cart.

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只能兜售叫卖在通衢。Peddled in the thoroughfares.

小贩叫卖他的商品。The peddler bawled his wares.

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。A newsboy was screaming an extra.

小贩们大声叫卖货物。The hucksters barked their wares.

你认识那个沿街叫卖的人吗?Do you know the man who is higgling?

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你认识那个沿街叫卖的人吗?。Do you know the man who is higgling?

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。Charles finally caught on as a newsboy.

许多沿街叫卖的小贩会讲普通话。Many street vendors can speak Mandarin.

小贩沿街叫卖货物。Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.

小贩叫卖苹果和梨。The peddler bawled about apples and pears.

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为他们卖的货物大声叫卖的人。The peddler bawled his wares in the street.

你想,我还会沿街叫卖烤肉?You think I'd be hawking barbecue over here?

她藉着叫卖零嘴赚了许多钱。She earned a lot of money by peddling snacks.

沿街叫卖的小贩经常欺骗儿童。The peddler often takes advantage of children.

肩挑负贩沿街叫卖者销售之货物或劳务。The goods or services sold by peddlers or hawkers.

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我从没有见过这么多人在沿街叫卖。I've never seen so many people hawking their wares.

“栗子,热乎乎的烤栗子,”一个小贩在叫卖。"Chestnuts, hot roast chestnuts, " a peddler cried.

沿街叫卖的小贩发展成小商人的故事比比皆是。Tales of peddlers becoming small merchants are legon.