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本年的冬天特别很是冷。搜索。The winter of this year is sourly cold.

本年马铃薯丰登。The tomatoes have cropped well this year.

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他本年已楬橥了三篇论文。He has previously published three papers this year.

谷歌公司宣布本年搜索次数最多的条目。Google announces the most-searched items of the year.

本年五大最受欢迎的男孩名与客岁大抵雷同。The boys' top five looks almost the same as last year.

这本小说被认为是本年的畅销书。This novel is reckoned as the best seller of the year.

本年一位客户的总交易量是多少?What is a customer's total transaction amount this year?

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预计新厂将于本年的第二季度破土动工。Construction is scheduled to begin in the second quarter.

本年我妈妈会烹调一个二十五磅的火鸡。This year my mother will cook a twenty-five pound turkey.

本年的繁殖季节为黑翅长脚鹬的确非常理想!This is indeed a very good breeding season for the Stilts!

政府鼓励距离南部320公里的马尼拉的居民囤积粮食,天气专家称“麦基”是本年最强烈的台风。Weather officials say Megi is this year’s strongest typhoon.

这本年鉴帮助我追忆大学生活。This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university.

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本年更邀请了区议会议员及学术界人士。This year district council members and academics were invited.

自己叫崔鸿鑫,本年11岁,来自西关小学,很快乐在这里为大师演讲。My name is Cui Hongxin from Xiguan Primary school, 11 years old.

这些预付税本年还回来了。These previously-withheld taxes are returned back to me this year.

其主要职责是对本年级儿童进行个别辅导。Its main functions are our grade children for individual instruction.

通过上市交易基金持有黄金本年攀升至记录水平。Gold holdings via exchange-listed vehicles surged to records this year.

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本年的暑假生活特别很是愉快。My summer vair-conine of this year was very enjoyknowledgeabdominnosle.

本年并没有重大的定义修正或者参考值修订。This year did not have any significant redefinitions or rebenchmarking.

事实上,美国两年期国债收益率已经跌至本年的最低水平。As it is US 2-year bond yields have dropped to their lowest level this year.