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吕洞宾敲了一会梆子。Immortals knocked a operas.

吕洞宾敲了一会梆子。Immortass knocked a operas.

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是山西省的代表性剧种,为山西省的四大梆子之一。Is the representative of shanxi opera, one of the big bang for Shanxi Province.

转身放好梆子,熟练地做出大小汤团,一个接着一个往锅里丢。Turn around and put the skillfully made operas size sweet dumplings, one after another into the pot.

莱芜梆子,亦名莱芜讴,是形成并流传于山东省莱芜市及周边地区的地方戏曲剧种。The Laiwu Bangzi, also names Laiwu Ou, is a local opera drama which formed and spread in Laiwu and the surrounding area of Shandong Province.

莱芜梆子是第二批国家级非物质文化遗产,它自形成以来,一直是莱芜文化的象征。Laiwu Bangzi is the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage. Since its appearance, it has always been the cultural symbol of Laiwu.

历史上,河北梆子曾有过「直隶梆子」、「京梆子」、「卫梆子」等几种称谓,这些称谓并非是指派系,而是河北梆子发展的不同阶段。In history, Hebei Bangzi was named "Zhili Bangzi", "Jing Bangzi" and "Wei Bangzi" which defined its different development stages but not its schools.

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第二章从莱芜梆子的语言入手,详细地分析与总结了莱芜梆子的发声方法与各行当的行腔特点。The chapter second begins with the LaiWu BangZi′s language, giving detailed knowledge of the analysis and summary of the sing method and characteristic.

在商业大潮的冲击下,蒲州梆子正陷于危机之中,观众大量流失,演员队伍青黄不接,这种局面需要尽快得到扭转。Under the commercial impact, Puzhou Wooden Clappers is being endangered as it is losing audience and human resources. Obviously, this situation needs to be changed as soon.

另据了解,北京梆子井大学生公寓是继“大运村”大学生公寓之后,采取统一开发方式运用的又一个项目。It was learned that Beijing is following college dormitories Bang Zi wells " Nigerians " student apartments, the development of an integrated approach to the use of another item.