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毛料衣服能乾洗吗?。Can woolens be dry-cleaned?

毛料比丝料耐穿。Wool stands up better than silk.

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精纺毛料套装很暖和。Worsted suits are nice and warm.

毛料衣服在热水中会收缩的。Woolen clothes shrink in hot water.

毛料衣服常常刺痛我的皮肤。Woollen clothes often prickle my skin.

这块毛料刚巧是十码长。His woollen cloth measures ten yards exactly.

冬令服装仍以毛料最为理想。Wool is still the best bet in winter clothing.

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用夹具夹住层积木毛料,固定需要的弯曲形态,直到木材干透。Clamps hold the wood laminations to the bending form until they dry.

我想做一套新衣服,用一种深蓝的毛料。I would like to have a new suit made. something in a dark blue wool.

现在有了新的毛料供应商,我们应该重新开始生产。Now that we have a new fabric supplier, we should resume production.

你怎么处理你的毛料衣服,是你个人的事。What you do with your woollen clothing is a matter of personal choice.

在盒形件拉伸成形过程中,毛料展开是冲压工作的重要课题。It's important to design the process of deep-drawing a rectangular box.

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毛料,它是对用各类羊毛、羊绒织成的织物的泛称。Wool, it is to use all kinds of woven fabric wool and cashmere of general.

例如,银行和会计师事务所的会议室仍然是毛料西装的天下。Banks and accounting-firm boardrooms, for instance, remain decidedly woolen.

羊毛料和木材送到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.

我通常会在圣诞节过后百货店减价时买些毛料休闲裤。I usually buy wool dress slacks after Christmas, when they go on sale at department stores.

标价七万英镑,由“世界上最低廉毛料”制成的西装未经有了神秘购野。A suit made from "the world's most expensive wool"has been sold to a mystery buyer for 70,000.

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标价七万英镑,由世界上最昂贵毛料制成的西装已经有了神秘买家。A suit made from "the world's most expensive wool" has been sold to a mystery buyer for £70,000.

标价七万英镑,由“世界上最昂贵毛料”制成的西装已经有了神秘买家。A suit made from "the world's most expensive wool" has been sold to a mystery buyer for £70, 000.

覆盖著柔软花边和针织毛料的双层杯,彷佛捧著他就能感受到毛料在保温时透出的温度,在寒冬中温暖您。Double wall cup and flower vase are as if they're covered with the soft texture of real lace and knit.