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角川社长于1943年出生。Mr. Kadokawa was born in 1943.

卡罗尔当选社长兼导演。Carol was made president and director.

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人民日报社社长张研农在第四届中国—东盟媒体合作高层研讨会上的发言at the 4th China-ASEAN Media Cooperation Seminar

社长先生,女士们先生们,上午好。Good Morning. Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen.

副社长协助社长执行职务。The vice president provides assistance to the president.

请问于社长,外研社在“走出去”方面的发展战略是什么?Could you describe to us FLTRP's strategy of "going global"?

海梅弗洛尔克鲁斯是CNN驻北京分社社长和记者。Jaime Flor Cruz is CNN's Beijing Bureau Chief and correspondent.

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飞盘世界杂志社社长胡怡之收集的各式飞盘。Hu I-chih of Frisbee World Magazine collects all kinds of frisbees.

达子知道成斌是博姿的社长,表示以后不会与他发生纠葛。Son know cheng was President of boots, said later wont happen with him.

这样的结局却乐坏了不断觊觎部长位置的崔社长。The end result was tickled constantly coveted position of cui presidents.

国际扶轮社长白义德祝贺巴拿马扶轮青年服务团〝带头前进〞。RI President Boyd salutes the Rotaract Club of Panama for Leading the Way.

在第三次全体会议当中日本的社长当选人们加入歌唱。Japanese governors-elect join the singing during the third plenary session.

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于跳出视窗中点选「是」即送出申请等待社长核准。Select "Yes" in the pop-out window to send out application and wait for approval.

收到社长邀请讯息时,点选「加入」即可加入该棋社。On receiving the club Master's invitation message, select "Join" to join the club.

杨社长在近日通过YG官方网页展示了女儿的照片!Well, Yang Hyun Suk via YG's homepage recently revealed his baby daughter's photo!

中部电力社长平田美津浓在一场新闻发布会上宣读了该决议。Chubu Electric President Akihisa Mizuno announced the decision at a news conference.

李社长,我在此向您在组织这次峰会中所表现出来的领导力和远见表示敬意。President Li, I salute you for your leadership and vision in organizing this summit.

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成立于2006年6月9日,由一个社长和两个副社长加七个部门组成。Founded in June 9, 2006, by a president and two vice president and seven departments.

李社长是个篮球迷,所以我相信他会赞成这个概念。President Li is an avid basketball fan, so I believe he will appreciate this concept.

恩惠好久没见到崔汉杰社长了,他今天看起来如何?EunHye hasn't seen our Choi Han Kyul president for a long time, how does he look today?