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塑料的废碎料及下脚料。Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics.

你会发现使用下脚料的真正价值。You will find the true value of using waste.

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她把这些金属下脚料制成一尊雕刻品。She has built these scraps of metal into a sculpture.

她买了一些木材下脚料做厨房用架子。She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.

当然,最好还是在下脚料上先练习练习。Of course, it's always a good idea to practice on some scrap wood first.

日本工厂总是购买下脚料来进行生产。This Japanese factory always buy's leftover bits, and pieces to produce its products.

如果你追求完美或者实在太闲,还可以把零碎的下脚料粘成机尾部分,或者做成复翼飞机。If you want, you can use little scraps to make a tail section. Or you can make a biplane.

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王丁棉说,后来一些奶业生产者开始使用三聚氰胺代替皮革下脚料,因为那样更便宜。Wang said some milk producers then started using melamine instead because it was cheaper.

他还把生产光盘过程中的聚碳酸酯下脚料出售给汽车制造厂,来做汽车尾灯。He sells polycarbonate scraps from the disk making process to an automaker for tail lights.

研究以金线鱼和长蛇鲻的混合鱼糜生产下脚料为材料,利用钾法提取鱼油。Fish oil was extracted from the wastes of fish surimi by the potassium hydroxide hydrolysis.

随着研究的进一步深入,鱼鳞作为一种水产加工的下脚料必将得到更加充分的应用。Fish scale, by-product of fish processing, can be used more sufficiently as the study goes on.

以奥尼罗非鱼加工下脚料为原料,制成营养丰富的罗非鱼鱼丸。We made use of the processing waste of Tilapia Galilaea to produce nutrient-rich tilapia balls.

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水产动物下脚料如皮、骨、鳍等含丰富的胶原蛋白。本文研究了灰星鲨鱼皮、骨胶原蛋白的提取及纯化方法。A large amount of collagen exists in the wastes of aquatic animals such as in fish skin, bone and fin.

说明用鲤鱼下脚料提取粗鱼油的最佳提取温度是85℃。This shows that the optimization temperature is 85℃ with subiculum of carps as the extraction materials.

试验表明从鱼白中分离得到核酸,远比其他下脚料容易。The results show that the separation of nucleic acid from protamine is far more easy than from other viscus.

这些结果为扇贝加工后下脚料的利用,提供了基础资料。The trace element contents are rich, too. These results provide basic data for utilizing scallop hepatopancreas.

采用香菇下脚料为试材,应用水提醇沉法对下脚料进行粗多糖提取。The shiitake mushroom mill culls was used as material to extract crude polysaccharide by water and ethyl alcohol.

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本发明公开了一种利用汽车轮胎下脚料生产的橡胶护舷及其生产方法。The invention discloses a rubber fender produced by using automobile tyre leftovers and a method for producing same.

百事公司的终极目标是能够充分利用它的食品工业的的下脚料,诸如橘子皮,燕麦壳,土豆皮等等来制作这种瓶子。Ultimately, Pepsi plans to also use orange peels, oat hulls, potato scraps and other leftovers from its food business.

蓖麻油下脚料经酸化水洗,减压蒸馏等工序分离制取脂肪酸。Fatty acid is made from spent material in production of ricinus oil by acidification, washing, and vacuum distillation.