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显然,谢家华坚信文化为先的谋略。Tony clearly believes in a "culture first" approach.

最好的谋略是知道什么时候该退出。Of all the stratagems , to know when to quit is the best.

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在另一时刻这位教师谋略让他敞开思想说话。At another point? the teacher tries to get him to open up.

没有人能以智慧,聪明,谋略,敌挡耶和华。There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.

在神有智慧和能力,他有谋略和知识。With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding.

谋略和知识的美事,我岂没有写给你吗。Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge

学习汉家经世谋略,仿汉制建国家政权。Han Learning strategy by the world, like the Han Jian-state power system.

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我智慧以灵明为居所,又寻得知识和谋略。I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

使愚人灵明,使少年人有知识和谋略。To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

他说中国政府早已在谋略上输给日本。He said the Chinese government had already been outmaneuvered by the Japanese.

不单单成就居所空间的塑造,更成就生活的一种姿态、一种谋略、一种思想。Not only achieve a resident space but also an attitude, Astrategy and a dream.

其治国用兵,以务实为旨,远见卓识,谋略不凡。Wu Its ruling military, practical for purport, foresight, counsel is uncommon.

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康纳利极力想把对方吓倒,而尼克松的方针是以谋略制胜。Connally sought to cow opposition while Nixon's strategy was to outmaneuver it.

更成就生活的一种姿态、一种谋略、一种思想。Not only achieve a resident space but also an attitude, a strategy and a dream.

如果想成为一名成功的政治家,就必须善于谋略。If you want to be a successful politician you must make yourself able in tacLcs.

他们都是深通教律,精于谋略,残酷无情而富有的人。They were all masters of torah, proficient in fuses, and brutal and wealthy person.

因为比赛速度是如此之快,你只能依靠瞬间反应而非思考和谋略。Since the game is so fast, you're reacting and not really contemplating or plotting.

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以品牌谋略论英雄,以市场侵占为输赢,成者为王败者为寇!Hero brand strategy, market occupation is winning or losing, with success like daughter!

他发现这个搜寻的谋略可以运用在搜寻棒球员的资讯。He discovered this searching "trick" when looking for information about baseball players.

这一时期的许多谋略方法和思想,成为后世谋略学的源头。Many stratagemical methods and thoughts have become the sources of later stratagem study.