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实际上,如果你先学数学,然后半路出家做程序员的话,你会发现编程简直就是小菜一碟。In fact if you're a halfway decent programmer you'll find it's almost a snap.

生在做小买卖的家里的人,总是比半路出家的人懂得多些。They that be born in a business always know more about it than any ' prentice.

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我刚半路出家来当教师,还没有什么教学经验。I have just switched to the profession of a teacher and quite lack experience in teaching work.

最令人激动的文章出自那些精力旺盛、酷爱折腾的人们之手,他们半路出家,在全新的领域中扬帆起航。The most exciting essays were written by the energetic, restless people, who took their lives off in new directions midcourse.

实际上,如果你先学数学,然后半路出家做程序员的话,你会发现编程简直就是小菜一碟。If you teach yourself math the right way you'll learn faster remember it longer and it'll be much more valuable to you as a programmer.

实际上更配得上这一殊荣的是罗纳德·里根,这位从演员半路出家的政治家,他的遗产是定义了美国的现代政治。It would be easier to make a case that it was Ronald Reagan, the actor-turned-politician, whose legacy has defined modern American politics.

在你知道如何编程之后,数学更容易学会。实际上,如果你先学数学,然后半路出家做程序员的话,你会发现编程简直就是小菜一碟。Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decent programmer, you'll find it's almost a snap.

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必须承认,任何半路出家的政客都将明白,现在观测到全球变暖的止步不前仅仅是暂时现象。Admittedly, any half-way informed politician will know that the stagnation in global warming that is currently being observed can only be temporary.

架构和盈利模式,由于大部分都是半路出家的和尚,只能念些碎碎的经。Framework and profit pattern, because be the bonze of become a monk late in life for the most part, can read aloud only some broken broken classics.

1982年生于北京,毕业于北京大学俄语系。半路出家从事文艺。Cui Wenqin was born in 1982, Beijing, and graduated from Peking University, specialized in Russian Literature. He joined the theatrical industry halfway.

眼下经济形势黯淡,很多半路出家的专业人才意味着新鲜的师资人才库,但是大部分教育管理机构仍然要求教师拥有教育专业的硕士学位。Most school districts still require the formal credential of a master's degree in education, even though there are many mid-career professionals in a poor economy who represent a fresh talent pool.