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他看上去有点神思恍惚。He seemed to be in a trance.

我恍惚感觉自己像是在电影中。I feel as though I'm in a film.

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感觉像是有些恍惚和犹豫不决。As in being spacy and indecisive.

只是你发现自己恍恍惚惚心不在焉了。You just find yourself wandering.

我神思恍惚地向英语教室走去。I made my way to English in a daze.

恍惚又觉得这是一个新开始。Tranced, think that is a new start.

她眼睛里流露出恍惚的神情。There is a faraway look in her eyes.

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恍惚中我们错过了如此多的美好。We miss so much when we live in a daze.

我感到失落,心神恍惚地走进起居室。Feeling lost, I wandered into the living room.

德纳恍惚了,准备什么?Is the virtuous Na absentminded, arrange what?

罗伯特·布茨的注解描述了简的恍惚状态。Robert Butts notes describe Janes trance state.

她的宗教狂热已使她处于恍惚状况之中。She was in a trancelike state of religious ecstasy.

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恍惚对你面前的事物有固定的梦想。In tranced fixation dreaming upon object before you.

从前这就是所谓的美国梦,现在可以称作恍恍惚惚的白日梦。Once upon a time this was called the American Dream.

另一名男子神情恍惚地站着,不能言语。Another man stood as if in a trance, unable to speak.

亨利。福特在学校里一再心神恍惚。Henry Ford didn't be sure you pay guidance in school.

而华丽斯则时髦且鲜明,恍惚带着几分轻浮。Stylish and sharp, Wallis had a vaguely raffish edge.

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我清晰所见和恍惚所见之一切不过是梦中梦而已。All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

懒惰同样会把人搞得神情恍惚。Laziness will also keep you knocked out of the moment.

他们会向人开枪,特别是毒品让他们恍恍惚惚的时候。They shoot, especially when they get stoned with drugs.