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我们的口头禅是吃得好过得好。Our mantra is eat well and live well.

那是我的口头禅。That gets close to my involvement in life.

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如今,“决不说‘决不’”成了我新的口头禅之一。"Never say never" is one of my new expressions.

和谐稳定是中华新帝国的口头禅。Harmony is the mantra of the new Chinese empire.

“预防始于治疗”开始成为新的口头禅。“Prevention starts with cure” became the new mantra.

青少年们平均每天说这句口头禅---“这不公平!”The average teen-ager uses the phrase "It's not fair"8.6

他没有多少空闲时间,是他喜欢说的一句口头禅。He was not free enough, was how he preferred to phrase it.

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但是突然间,幸福成为了每一个中国政客的口头禅。But suddenly, happiness is on the tip of every Chinese politician's tongue.

该项技术赋予了蒂姆·冈恩的口头禅“动起来”新的含义。The technology gives a new meaning to Tim Gunn's catch phrase "make it work."

“东庄站场好,就是不长草”已经成为同行们的口头禅。"Dongzhuang station is good, that is not grass" has become a pet phrase of peers.

这句口头禅的使用将贯穿整个故事,为人物添加更为鲜明的性格。Thiscertain word or phrase willonly be used by that one character throughout the story.

他现在的口头禅由以前的“帮主,品味太差了吧”改换成“我受不了你呀!Now his catch phrase has changed from“Master, how poor your taste is!”to“I can’t bear you!

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他如今的口头禅由过去的“帮主,咀嚼太差了吧”调换成“我受不了你呀!Now his catch phrase has changed from"Master, how poor your taste is! "to"I can't bear you!

“政府不能解决问题,只会带来问题”,这样的口头禅只适用在经济状况好的时期。The mantra that “the government is the problem, not the solution” applies only in good times.

佩罗的替身是俄克拉何马州的众议员迈克.西纳尔,他把罗斯的口头禅和口音模仿得惟妙惟肖。Perot’s stand-in was Congressman Mike Synar of Oklahoma, who had Ross’s sayings and accent down pat.

“给你们上课完全是浪费时间。”小梦说,这句话是姜老师的口头禅。"Teaching you is just a waste of time, " Xiao Meng recalled what Jiang has always said to her class.

他的最出名的也是家喻户晓的一句口头禅就是“小点,小点声,我在捉兔子呢!”His most popular catch phrase, "Be very, very quiet, I'm hunting rabbits!" has become a household saying.

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前列腺癌筛查变成二十世纪就是年代医疗界的口头禅,这归功于PSA检测技术的发展。Prostate cancer screening became a medical mantra in the 1990s, thanks to the development of the PSA test.

比如说,我的一个姐们喜欢在她的话末附上这个口头禅----“我该怎么办?”For example, one of my sisters likes to attach the catch phrase “What can I do?” at the end of her sentences.

这句话一每天七次的频率出现在我口中,成为本月口头禅的无冕之王。A these words daily seven time frequency appears in my mouth, becomes this month the pet phrase uncrowned king.