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把泔脚拿去喂猪。Feed the scraps to the pig.

我去拿一桶泔脚来。I'll go and get a bucket of slops.

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侍者把残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶里。Waiters put their leftovers in the garbage can.

他们也否认在泔脚成分上撒谎。They denied lying about the composition of the slops.

侍者把残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶里。破阵子。Waiters put their leftovers in the garbage ca fantastic.

他们再三否认泔脚可能导致死亡或严重伤害和有很强的毒性。They repeated denials that the slops could have caused death or serious injury, and were highly toxic.

她们知道饭馆在什么时间将残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶,她们就在那里寻找食物。They know the hours when restaurants put their leftovers in the garbage cans where they search for food.

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它走到食槽旁边,喝了半天泔脚,贪馋地吸牛奶嚼膨松饼。He walked to the trough and took a long drink of slops, sucking in the milk hungrily and chewing the popover.

托克公司决定尝试在停泊在近海的油轮上提炼这些汽油,并不停产生出他们称之为“泔脚”的有毒废料。They decided to try and process the fuel on board a tanker anchored offshore, creating toxic waste they called "slops".

威尔伯一动不动。勒维把那桶泔脚倒入食槽,刮干净桶子走了。他注意到小猪有点儿不对劲。Wilbur did not budge. Lurvy dumped the slops, scraped the pail and walked away. He noticed that something was wrong with the pig.

与石化柴油比较,以废弃食用油或泔脚油为原料的生物柴油,以天然气和煤为原料的DME以及以天然气为原料的F—T柴油具有经济竞争力。Compared with fossil diesel, biodiesel from waste cooking oil, DME from natural gas or coal, and F-T diesel from natural gas have economic competition.