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你的诡计已暴露无遗了。Your trick has been opened.

他被人施诡计搞下了台。He was intrigued out of power.

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这个小孩有很多诡计。The little boy has many wiles.

你很快就会识破他的诡计。You'll be onto his tricks soon.

善使诡计而又故作正经的女性。A woman of artifice and prudery.

你决不会知道,他也许在施行诡计。You never know he may be foxing.

为黑暗的诡计在准备。Be prepared for the murkiest scam.

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我最后识破了他的诡计。I finally wised up to his tricks.

他很明白那诡计。He saw right through the subterfuge.

你的诡计再也骗不了我了。Your trick won't be slipped over me.

诡计被警察粉碎了。The dodge was coppered by the police.

他被敌人的诡计给陷害了。He is snared by the wiles of his enemy.

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我对你的诡计呵手段一清二楚。I’m on to your tricks and manipulations.

假装晕倒只不过是个诡计。Pretending to faint was merely artifice.

呸!你的诡计无法动摇我的铁锤!Ach! Your ruses shall not sway my hammer!

一个部落对另一个部落玩起了诡计。One tribe played tricks on the other one.

最后水果小贩使用诡计获得成功。At last the vendor succeeds through ruses.

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对手们下一步会搞什么诡计呢?Whatever will the opponents get up to next?

它需要的远多于连任的诡计。It needs to be more than a re-election ruse.

狐狸的诡计永远进不了狮子的脑袋。Fox's wiles will never enter the lion's head.