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美国的工商业衰退,银行关门,工人失业,农民失去他们的农场。Banks closed their doors. Workers lost their jobs.

美国工商业界对此承诺表示欢迎.The U.S. business community welcomed the commitment.

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对于工商业界来说,08年最时髦的词是“可持续发展”。For business, the buzzword of 2008 was “sustainability”.

奥巴马在向工商业领袖发表讲话时提到这场灾难。Obama addressed the tragedy in a speech to business leaders.

工商业污水附加费应有权选择其选择的载体。TES shall have the right to select the carrier of its choice.

结果,应接受检查和工商业污水附加费的批准。The Results shall be subject to inspection and approval of TES.

奥巴马在向工商业领袖发表讲话时提到这场灾难。Mr. Obama addressed the tragedy in a speech to business leaders.

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美国的工商业一直执世界经济之牛耳。American business and industry outpaced the world for a long time.

我们想请一位有声望的工商业家担任我们组织的领导,以壮声威。We want to get a well-known businessman to front our organization.

许多欧盟工商业正活跃在中国并发展良好。We have an active and vibrant European business community in China.

一个衣著昂贵的小工商业者转过拐角去接近她。An expensively dressed little man turned a corner and approached her.

这家公司正在买进美国工商业的股份。The company is now buying itself into American commerce and industry.

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我深深地相信在一个无法建康运行的社会里,工商业不可能成功。I believe deeply that business cannot succeed in a society that fails.

倘工商业污水附加费决定不进行修复服务一步。In the event that TES decides not to proceed to the Repair Service step.

约瑟夫·熊彼得是少数几个能够看清楚工商业本质的知识分子之一。Joseph Schumpeter was one of the few intellectuals who saw business straight.

工商业污水附加费-东盟章程,是在全国前列的环保回收技术和服务。TES-AMM is at the forefront of environmental recycling technology and services.

地区众多,不能尽录。住宅及非工商业区收费另议。Other Residential Area and Non-Commercial Area service charge could be negotiated.

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由于工商业的水平十分低下,巴赛列斯不可能从那里得到很多收入。As the commerce and handcrafts were still primitive, they could not get much there.

但是熊彼得对工商业历史了解得太深透了,不会为它摇旗呐喊。But Schumpeter knew far too much about the history of business to be a cheerleader.

八卦记者曾将美国工商业巨头直斥为“强盗头目”。Muckraking journalists denounced the titans of American business as "robber barons".