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看来接下来的一段时间都会是“猪年”了。In the future, it will always be the Year of the Pig.

让我给大家讲一讲金猪年的运程与性格。Let me tell you how about golden boar's nature and prospect.

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猪年最显著的特点就是有利于家庭和家庭价值。One prominent feature of the Pig year is that it favours family values and the home.

他们说在这个金猪年出生的小孩,长大后会上衣食无忧的生活。They say babies born in the golden pig year will have comfortable and wealthy lives.

农历新年即将来临,在此跟各位先拜个早年。预祝各位猪年行大运。Chinese New Year is around the corner. I wish you all the best in the year of the pig.

而一头母猪年消耗饲料500公斤,所以,每年产的仔猪越少,成本越高。But a sow feed 500 kilograms in consumption, so, the less the piglets in every year, cost is higher.

这几只小猪的精彩表演是该动物园为庆祝即将到来传统猪年,为游客们准备的特别“新年礼物”。The diving performance was presented in the zoo as a new year gift of the upcoming 2007, known as the Year of the Pig.

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我也祝厡大家在新春佳节能开开心心!祝大家再猪年找到信心,心满意足。And I wish you all a warm and festive Chinese celebration! May the year of the pigg find you confidence and contentment.

按照以往的历法,2007年是猪年,据说还是个金猪,许多人都认为今年是个吉祥的年头,所以生孩子的特别多。According to chinese luner calender, 2007 was the year of golden pig, which means it was a good year for the babies bo be born.

2007年是猪年,恰巧又逢五行中的“金”,所以就构成了“金猪年”。据说在这一年出生的孩子会很有福气。In 2007, the Year of the Pig coincides with the element of gold. It is said children born in this year are blessed with a carefree life.

由于猪年是中国生肖轮回中的最后一年,因此今年还会使未完成的工作得以结束,并且还将取得更佳的成果。As it is a year that marks the end of another Chinese year cycle, it can be a time for completing unfinished business and much can be achieved as a result.

许多年轻人为赶猪年好彩头,赶趟儿似的“挤”在春节长假里操办婚宴,兴许年尾还可以生个“小金猪”。Many young Chinese lovers rush to wedding during the golden week of Spring Festival with the hope to have their baby born before the end of the lunar year of pig.

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现将晚会的一些精彩图片集锦呈现给大家,让我们共同来迎接2007农历猪年的到来,欢欢喜喜过大年…Some wonderful and amazing photos are presented to you, let's gather here to expect the coming lunar Chinese New Year of 2007 to enjoy the joyful Spring Festival.

猪年除夕,一些外国朋友参加了我们的饺子宴。他们虽然包饺子的技巧不太高明,可是玩得非常开心。Chinese New Year Eve, some overseas visitors joined us for dumpling feast. Although their skill in making dumpling was somewhat rusty, they certainly had loads of fun!

在韩国首尔近郊龙仁市的爱宝乐园内,名为“希望五兄弟”的小猪们正系着蝴蝶结庆祝即将到来的猪年。Piglets named Hope-Five-Brothers wear bow-ties for a celebration of the upcoming Year Of The Pig under the Chinese zodiac at the Everland theme park in Yongin, near Seoul, South Korea.

在即将到来的这个猪年将会是特别的吉祥,因为这个“猪”是60甚至600年以来占卜家所推测出来的第一个所谓的“金猪”。But the coming one , or so many believe, will be especially fortunate since it is not just a pig but a golden pig, the first in 60 or even 600 years, depending on which astrologer one consults.