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漫不经心是一个联盟的失败。Insouciance is an alliance failure.

爱玲漫不经心地玩弄着扇子。Aileen toyed aimlessly with her fan.

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又一次,我漫不经心地问。And once again, nonchalant of course.

他悄悄地溜了过去,竭力装作漫不经心的样子。He sidled past, trying to seem casual.

他漫不经心地拨弄着鲁特琴的琴弦。He idly plucked the strings of the lute.

她漫不经心地在翻阅一本杂志。She is paging through a magazine aimlessly.

天蝎很不喜欢漫不经心的天秤座。Scorpio is too jealous for the careless Libra.

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他说得非常轻缓,好像是故意的,漫不经心的。He spoke very low, advisedly, and impressively.

“可我们还没死”,茱莉叶漫不经心地说。" We're not dead yet ", said Julia prosaically.

中国人死于听天由命和漫不经心!Chinese people died of their own fate and casual!

这位亚马逊女战士非常努力地想让语气听起来漫不经心。The Amazon warrior trying so hard to sound casual.

“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。"It'll help you avoid mindless munching," she said.

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我漫不经心地问。And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.

“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。"It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said.

她对罗什渥兹先生漫不经心,态度冷淡。Her behaviour to Mr. Rushworth was careless and cold.

最后农夫漫不经心的说,“好了,班尼,你也拉一下吧。”Then the farmer nonchalantly said, "Okay, Benny, pull."

并且对于其他一些不靠谱的决策,布什同样也是漫不经心,漠不关心。He applies the same insouciance to other dubious choices.

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孩子们漫不经心地在游戏,把花聚在一起,又把它们散开。The children gather and scatter flowers in reckless sport.

这个主意出自主席漫不经心的一句话。The idea grew from a remark made unthinkingly by chairman.

把恶习与美德两头山羊绑在漫不经心的柱子上。Tie to the post of Unconcern the goats of Vice and Virtue.