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先运算,再返回结果。It evaluates, and it prints.

它是怎么完成运算的?这个程序现在?How is it attempting to work?

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这儿应该是运算类型。It expected arithmetic types.

此方法简单、运算量小。This method is simple and easy.

现在我需要做一个数学运算。And now I have to do the mathematics.

就像是未曾开化的运算系统。It's an extremely uncivilized system.

获取操作数并执行运算。Get operands and perform the operation.

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它能每秒运算1百万次。It did a million operations per second.

这就是我们用到的基本运算。That's all the basic math that we need.

浮点运算很少是精确的。Floating point arithmetic is rarely exact.

这很神奇!两次运算。Oh come on, that's amazing. Two operations.

下一个阶段是前运算阶段The next stage is the preoperational stage.

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我们已经明白了这些运算的含义We know what all those operations mean now.

宽带,高摆率,单片运算放大器。Wideband, High-Slew Rate, Monolithic Op Amp.

就按照通常处理数的运算的方法去做Do what you normally do with ordinary numbers.

“生物物理学的运算”第六章。Koch, C. Chap. 6 in Biophysics of Computation.

这里不会有数学运算There's actually no math going on here at all.

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几个运算则能够在时间上相重叠。Several computations can be overlapped in time.

处理器会对表达式运算得到一个结果值。The interpreter is going to get a value for it.

超低失调电压运算放大器。Ultra low offset voltage operational amplifier.