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建筑工人浇注了坚实的水泥地基。The builders poured a solid foundation of cement.

他把全部心血都浇注在事业上。He put his heart and soul into advancing the cause.

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阿克雷奥拉员工浇注到表孔加热蜡。Crayola employee pours the heated wax onto the hole table.

阿克雷奥拉员工浇注到表孔加热蜡。A Crayola employee pours the heated wax onto the hole table.

着重对浇注料的抗渣性进行了讨论。The emphasis of discussion lies in slag resistance of castable.

液态土混合物能被浇注到称作模具的容器内。Liquid adobe mixture can be poured into containers called molds.

这个铸件的浇注系统一点也不复杂。The gating system of theis casting is far from being complicated.

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多色唇膏浇注机能同时浇注四种或六种颜色的唇膏。This machine can cast 4-color or 6-color lipsticks simultaneously.

从具有不同骨料粒度的立方浇注块中切出方形板块。Square slabs were cut from cubes cast with various aggregate sizes.

主要应用于结构简单制品的闭模浇注。Mainly used for products with simple structure closed mould pouring.

在这里。我们浇注家园,我看男人的轻流下跌。Here we are in the pouring home. I watch the light man fall the comb.

通过热态浇注试验,得到了质量良好的铝合金壳体铸件。Good quality aluminium-alloy shell casting i produced by pouring test.

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二次绕组和铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。Primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin.

仿真结果表明,泵车的浇注口能够很好地沿着用户所设定的路线进行浇注。The result shows that the booms can move well along the path preset by user.

本文采用预聚物法合成浇注型聚氨酯弹性体。In this paper, we adopt prepolymer method to synthesize casting PU elastomer.

并提出工艺实施过程浇注玻璃胶密封。It is further proposed to pour glass glue for the sealing during the process.

二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在户外环氧树脂内,防水、耐污染。The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin.

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缸体的覆膜砂芯脱壳引起间隙,浇注时铁液钻入其内形成起皮缺陷。The peel back defect caused gaps in coated sand cores of the 4102 engine block.

硅线石耐火浇注料适用于流化床锅炉的燃烧部位。Sillimanite refractory castable is good in use at combustion zone in CFB boilers.

本型零序电流互感器为环氧树脂浇注户内型产品。The zero current transformer of the type LJZ is casting resin and indoor product.