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消息走漏了。The news leaked out.

消息走漏出去了。The news filtered through.

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有人走漏了消息。Someone has let the news out.

她从未走漏这个消息。She never breathed a word of this.

"不出所料,消息走漏了。"。As was expected, the news filtered through.

而且,我相信消息走漏得很快,就像过筛子一样。And I believe that it's leaking like a sieve.

关于我们的发现,我们中任何人都不能走漏一点风声。And not one of us must say a word about what we have found.

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这消息慢慢走漏出去,结果办公室的人全知道了。The news slowly filtered through to everyone in the office.

贝茨很愤怒,要查出来是谁走漏的消息。Bates was furious and demanded to know who had leaked the information.

他担心万一他们走漏了风声会出什么事。He was worried about what might happen if they leaked out information.

我们必须谨慎小心,兔得消息过早地走漏出去。We had to be very careful lest the the news should become known early.

喂,请你们千万别对任何人讲是我走漏的风声!啊,千万千万不要说是我!Oh, please don't tell ANYbody it was me that blowed on them! Oh, please!

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谁要是走漏半点风声,可别怪我心狠手辣!Who whether leak out the least bit information, don't reprehend me a cruel hand hot!

美保,关于你要辞职的事,我想昨晚晚饭时我把这个消息走漏了。About your resignation, Maple, I think I let the cat out of the bag at last night's dinner.

后来送货人在萨特贸易站用这块金子买酒时走漏了风声。When the man later used the nugget to buy a drink back at "Fort Sutter, " the word was out.

总之,“超过200年来,任何一个不看好美国的人都走漏眼了。”after all, “for more than 200 years, everyone who's bet against the United States has lost.

好了,听着,汤姆,现在我们彼此发誓——我们必须这样做——绝不走漏半点风声。Now, look-a-here, Tom, less take and swear to one another—that's what we got to do—swear to keep mum.

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对穆德仍继续调查秘密的X档案一事,史考莉探员并不打算走漏消息。Agent Scully was not prepared to blow the whistle on Mulder for his continuing investigation of the closed X-Files.

要是我们走漏了风声,现在掌权的那批坏蛋很可能就把握机会,临了还捞一大笔!If word gets out of our intentions, the rascals now in power may well seize the opportunity to make a final killing!

中国十年一次的生齿普查,因人们不肯意走漏公家信息和惧怕违背计生政策的曝光而庞大化。China's once-a-decade census is complicated by a new reluctance to divulge information or expose violations of the one-child policy.