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我喜欢棋盘式格子衬衫。I prefer a checkered shirt.

其实就是件粉色的格子裙。In fact is a pink plaid skirt.

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这块布有格子花的图形。The cloth has a chequer pattern.

每过一个月,就在一个格子里打钩。Every month, just check in a grid.

格子方的贴边手口袋。Welted hand pockets on plaid side.

您喜欢我的格子花新窗帘布吗?。Do you like my new checked curtains?

里面配了个红色系的格子衬衫。Paired with a checked shirt in side.

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结晶格子及结晶系统。Crystal lattices and crystal systems.

穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。My tartan skirt. It's scottish night.

她对这些小格子很担心。She was worried about the lattice-work.

这是一张格子缎带的照片。This is a photograph of a tartan ribbon.

在每个格子里填写相应的事项。Ineach cell, put the corresponding story.

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双色格子帆布设计在1888年首次亮相。The Damier Canvas design debuted in 1888.

这是英国苏格兰所特有的格子裙。This is unique to Scotland lattice skirt.

铁制部件铁质部件,如格子板和护栏。Work in iron, such as gratings and rails.

他穿者一条红蓝格子裤子。He is wearing red and blue check trousers.

你好,麦特。我正在玩跳格子。Hi, Matt. I'm playing the hopping numbers.

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但发现,又是一双格子花纹的鞋。But found, but also a pair of tartan shoes.

黑白格子的背景是一个小分心。The chequered background is a little distracting.

梅金说,这时安娜贝利爬进了格子爬梯。Megan said as Annabel climbed into the jungle gym.