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纯空气是无色无臭的。Pure air is colourless and odourless.

无色的绿色主意狂暴地睡着。The colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

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无色声香味触法No color, sound, smell,taste, touch, object

二氧化硫是一种无色气体,带有刺鼻的气味。SO2 is a colourless gas with a sharp odour.

无色-浅黄色系列和彩色系列。Achromatic-buff color series and the series.

担孢子无色,光滑,椭圆形。Basidiospore colorless, smooth, oval-shaped.

尽管有的时候光线看前来像“无色”的,但它其实也是有色彩的,我们称其为色温。Light has color, even when it looks “white.”

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澄明,无色到淡黄色液体。A clear , colourless to pale yellow solution.

尼古丁是无色有毒生物碱。Nicotine is a colorless , poisonous alkaloid.

无色态和呈色态在室温下都是稳定的。The two states are stable at room temperature.

天气干燥,我需要无色的唇膏。The weather is too dry. I need some Chapstick.

硅烷是无色的,可以自燃的压缩气体。Silane is a colorless, pyrophoric compressed gas.

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一种无色的晶状酸,从单宁酸中提取。A colorless crystalline acid obtained from tannin.

单点梁,铝合金,无色阳极化处理。Single beam , aluminum alloy , colorless anodized.

这是仅有的几种无色的裸腮亚目动物之一。This species is one of the few colorless nudibranchs.

无色,无味,不燃,惰性,压缩气体。Colorless, odorless non-flammable, inert compress gas.

这种透明无色的酒叫茅台酒。Well, this colorless transparent liquor is our Maotai.

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白色透明,近于无色的无味凡士林油。White odorless, colorless and tasteless paraffinic oil.

绝对纯净的绿柱石完全无色。Beryl is, when absolutely pure, totally devoid of color.

混合后的膏剂,颜色必需均匀而无色纹。The mixed paste must display an even color without striping.