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木槿花茶能降低血压吗?Can hibiscus tea lower blood pressure?

其市场名为“苯胺紫”或“木槿紫”。The dye is marketed as "aniline purple" or "mauveine. "

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它像洗澡水一样温暖,她的皮肤摸起来有着像木槿一样的肌理。It was warm like bath water, her skin the texture of hibiscus.

深深浅浅的各种木槿色、丁香色、熏衣草色和紫色都是流行色。All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable.

我睁开眼睛,他就会在那里,在那木槿花丛中大笑。I would open my eyes and he'd be there, hibiscus-laden, laughing.

有一种很受欢迎的植物我没种过,就是木槿。There is one popular plant that I have not tried it, i. e, hibiscus.

生于萼下类似于真萼的一组苞片,如石竹和木槿所有的。A series of bracts subtending and resembling a calyx, as in the carnation and hibiscus.

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夏威夷最肥美的芒果,最鲜艳的木槿和最纯种的骏马都在海那卡伊。Hawaii's best mangoes grew at Hanakai, its most brilliant hibiscus and its best horses.

木槿花茶也能用在嗽口水、脸部化妆水中或沐浴中。Hibiscus tea can also be useful as a mouthwash, facial tea based toner, or in the bath.

通过在玄武岩石板上捶击这种植物的根部,萨考就会从这种热带木槿树的树皮中挤出来。The sakau is then squeezed through a wrap of the inner bark of the tropical hibiscus tree.

买了一套房子,小区里种满了木槿。My husband and I bought a house by divided payment, around which was filled with hibiscuses.

把木槿花茶袋系在水龙头下,把热水放满你的浴缸。Tie the hibiscus tea bag under the faucet and the running hot water you are filling your bath with.

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对木槿上棉蚜及其捕食性天敌群落动态进行了研究。An investigation was made in community dynamics of Aphis gossypii and its predatory enemy on Hibiscus Syracuse plants.

任何时候,那道门都有可能突然打开,而我就会发现自己身处溪谷,清澈的小溪静静地流淌着,红色的木槿遍地都是。Any minute now it would burst open and I would find myself in a green valley fed by limpid brooks and red with hibiscus.

独坐于书房,有木槿的香气飘入,听窗外梧桐叶飘落的叹息分明。Sitting alone in the study, the aroma of hibiscus touches, listen to Chinese parasol falls outside the window leaves with trenchant.

如果你找一些植物木槿、你需要学习所有你能对这个美丽的花朵,如何妥善地照顾他们。If you are looking to plant some hibiscus, you need to learn all you can about this beautiful flower and how to care for them properly.

木槿是一种原产东亚,具有适应性强、观赏价值和经济价值高的灌木或者小乔木。Hibiscus syriacus is a tree that originated in eastern Asian, is a species possess wide adaptability, high economic and ornamental values.

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刹那间,往事裹挟着岁月的风尘呼啸而至。我擎着那朵木槿,仿佛又看见了齐晨狡黠的笑颜。In an instant, the past flashed upon my mind as the wind whistled past. Holding the flower high, I seemed to see Ch'ichen smiling slyly a second.

我的老教授一生中的最后一门课每星期上一次,授课的地点在他家里,就在书房的窗前,他在那儿可以看到淡红色树叶从一棵小木槿上掉落下来。The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves.

多种木槿属主要为热带产灌木或乔木。花朵大且华美,有各种颜色无数雄蕊围绕着花柱形成管状物。Any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style.