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首先,对东亚飞蝗生境的含义进行了探讨。First, the meanings of habitat of oriental migratory locust were explored.

山东省是东亚飞蝗蝗灾重发区,蝗区面积大。Locust plague is the serious problem in Shandong Province, the occurring area are large.

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科学家们困惑了,因为迁飞蝗群通常要每晚落地休息。Scientists were stumped because migrating swarms normally come down to rest every night.

结果显示,镉与铜在不同性别东亚飞蝗不同部位的富集状况不同。The concentrations of Cd and Cu are different in the different parts of the male and female insect pest.

对研究区东亚飞蝗主要生境因子地表温度特征进行了分析。The features of the land surface temperature as the main habitat factor of oriental migratory locust were analyzed.

因此研究影响山东省飞蝗发生的关键因素和治理新技术对于保障山东省农产品持续稳定生产具有重要意义。It needs to study on the effects of key factors on occurrence of locust and development of new control technologies.

即在一定程度上,蝗区土壤理化特性的空间异质决定了飞蝗卵块的空间分布特点。In a way, the spatial distribution pattern of locust egg pods mainly depended on the soil heterogeneity at the study area.

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根据这些酶活性的测定结果,基本确定了东亚飞蝗喜食的植物种类。According to the result of these enzymes activity, we determined the eating plants species of Locusta migratoria manilensis.

发现不同植被覆盖度内的飞蝗天敌群落和数量有明显的差异。Significant difference was found in natural enemies community and populations among vegetations with different degree of coverage.

东亚飞蝗的内唇分为中央区、外围内区、外围区和边围区。The epipharynx of the oriental migratory locust is divided into central area, peripheral within the area, peripheral area and marginal area.

根据多年对海南东亚飞蝗的防治经验,总结了其在海南的发生特点,提出了可行的综合防治方法。Based on many years control experiences, the occurring characteristics were summarized, and the feasible control strategies were put forward.

影响东亚飞蝗发生的环境因子主要有水文条件、植被种类以及植被覆盖度、耕作制度和天敌等因素。The factors that influenced Locustae's occurrence were hydrology conditions, vegetation types and coverage, farming systems, natural enemies and so on.

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分析了博斯腾湖周边亚洲飞蝗的生物学特性和生存环境,研究了与之相关的气候条件。The biological characteristic and living conditions of Asiatic migratory locust around Bosteng lake are analyzed and the related climatic conditions are studied.

基于前人研究成果,对中国东亚飞蝗发生的孕灾环境及其主要影响生态因素进行辨识。Based on previous researches, this paper analyzed the disaster-pregnant environments and key ecological factors of Locusta migratoria manilensis outbreak in China.

系统科学理论与技术的应用将会进一步完善现行的东亚飞蝗预测预报方法,对我国东亚飞蝗的测报工作产生积极的影响。The current methods would be perfected by application of the systematic science and technology, which would have active effects on prediction research for locusts.

基于前人研究成果,对中国东亚飞蝗发生的孕灾环境及其主要影响生态因素进行辨识。Based on previous researches, this paper analyzed the disaster-pregnant environments anti key ecological factors of Locusta migratoria manilensis outbreak in China.

东亚飞蝗中肠的果胶酶活性极显著地高于唾腺的果胶酶活性,说明其对植物中果胶的消化主要位于中肠。The pectinase activities in its midguts are greatly higher than the ones in their salivary glands, which improves that midguts are the main organ responsible to digest pectin.

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利用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳技术,分析了不同蝗区东亚飞蝗四个地理种群的遗传结构。The genetic structure of the four geographic populations of the Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis was analyzed using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis.

综上所述,本文研究结果为东亚飞蝗羧酸酯酶基因抗性分子机制研究提供了新的资料,为东亚飞蝗的抗性监测和治理提供了理论依据。In a word, these results will provide new insight to explore resistant molecular mechanism in locust, which will be benefit for locust resistant monitor and management in the field.

研究多态位点率和香农指数两种多样性参数所展示的飞蝗不同地理种群的遗传多样性。To study the genetic diversity of different geographic migratory locust populations revealed by two different diversity parameters, the percent of polymorphic loci and Shannon s index.