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商周和汉时都有彩绘的纺织品。Shang and Zhou and Han have painted textiles.

其内容涉及了商周社会的各个方面。Its content has involved Shangzhou society's each aspect.

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中国出品商周时期的“扎啤”杯。The Zhou Dynasty "Beer" cup made in China, very cool, right?

商周时期是中国由传说时代迈向信史时代的关键时期。Shan-Chou Dynasty is the key time from legendary time to pursuivant time.

原始瓷器出现于三千多年的商周时期。The earliest porcelains appeared in the Shang and Zhou dynasties about 3,000 years ago.

第一部分讲述商周时期人格的不独立。The first part narrates Shang and Zhou period personalities do not stand independently.

玻璃艺术在我国已经有了几千年的历史,早在商周时期就有玻璃出现。China has several thousand years history of glass art. The earliest glass appeared in Shang Dynasty.

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商周时期,我国流行金属称量货币,是大家所熟知的。Metal metage coins prevailed in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, but the name of metage coin was called later.

万州中坝子遗址是三峡地区一处以商周时期文化为主的重要遗存。The Zhongbazi site is among the most important locations of Shang and Zhou periods in the Three Gorges area.

商周时期,礼器和乐器是礼乐制度的物化形态。The ritual and musical instruments in the Shang and Zhou period embodied the institution of rites and music.

龙纹是商周时期青铜器装饰艺术的一大主题。Dragon pattern is the main manifestation of ornamentations on bronze in the period of Shang to early western Zhou.

青铜觚是商周时期最常见的青铜礼器之一,也是商代酒礼器制度的核心。Bronze Gu was a type of important wine vessels and the core of the sacrificial system in the Shang and Zhou period.

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商周时期的中国处于宗法制大家族统治之下,是一个族权和政权合而为一的国家。The Shang and Zhou period is in patriarchal system, is a clan power under dominance, and with regime suit is a country.

他说,这把宝剑是高邮地区发现的第二件商周时期的青铜器,第一件是在该市三垛镇发现的青铜乐器。It is the second bronze artifact found in the region after a bronze instrument was excavated in the nearby Sanduo Township.

商周青铜艺术的成就,远超出工艺美术的范畴,其文化负载量极其厚重。The achievement of Bronze Arts and Crafts in Shang Dynasty is mere than arts and crafts. It conveys much more of the culture.

商周陶器生产最有价值的发明为陶盘和用于建筑的陶砖、拱形陶瓦。A great innovation in Shang and Zhou pottery was the production of pottery plate, bricks and tube tiles for housing construction.

与这种社会政治制度相适应,在商周时代的意识形态中,一个普遍的信仰就是祖先崇拜。With the social and political systems to adapt, in the ideology of the Zhou Dynasty, a general belief is that of ancestor worship.

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而其最终融合于商周文化,亦证明了中华文明起源是多元汇聚的这一文明起源理论。And its eventually integration into the Shang and Zhou civilization, proved the theory that China is a diversified pool once again.

知情人士周一说,珠宝零售商周大福计划于2012年第一季度在香港IPO。Jewelry seller Chow Tai Fook aims for a Hong Kong IPO in the first quarter of 2012, people familiar with the situation said Monday.

商周青铜器饕餮纹,是中国青铜时代最引人入胜的课题之一。Taotie pattern on the bronze wares in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is one of the most attractive topic in Chinese bronze-ware time.