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这是玩具总动员的巴斯光年了肉。It was Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear made flesh.

然后他把海底总动员和许多鱼类的一个大罐。Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank.

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在玩具总动员的第一集终出现了相似的情形。Such a revelation occurs in the first Toy Story.

玩具总动员系列的每一集都是经典。The first in the time travel series is unimprovable.

就像广为流传的那样,玩具总动员3可以让男儿“有泪则轻弹”。As has been widely noted, Toy Story 3 can make strong men weep.

萨罗和弗朗丹有种实行全国总动员的冲动。Sarraut and Flandin had the impulse to act at once by general mobilization.

从人猿泰山的丛林之家到玩具总动员……各有各的特色。From Tarzans home in the jungle to Woody and Toy Story Land each one special in its own way.

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2000年的人口普查被称作是美国历史上规模最大的和平时期总动员。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history.

如何才能避免出现电影"机器人总动员"描述的那种地球被一层固体垃圾屏障包围的情况?What can we do to avoid a Wall-E scenario in which the Earth is surrounded by a solid barrier of junk?

大象“总动员”从100多头大象的盛大游行开始,象阵成员从新生幼象到训练有素的成年象都有。The" round-up" starts with a parade of over100 elephants that range from newborns to mature, well-trained animals.

是的,这边有玩具总动员的外星人、超级玛利欧的火球花、吃人花、及羽毛,还有麦坤。Yes, there is the alien from Toy Story, Fire Flower and Feather from Super Mario World, and Lightening McQueen from Cars.

这里讲的轰炸大鱿鱼的做法,主要指鱼儿总动员轰炸大鱿鱼的做法。Here the bombing squid speaking practice, mainly refers to the total mobilization of the giant squid fish bombing practice.

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2000年的人口普查据说是在美国历史上和平时期最大的一次全民总动员,2010年的人普将有过之而无不及。The 2000 census is said to have been the largest peacetime mobilisation in American history. The 2010 census will be larger.

还未等丈母娘和妻子击鼓发出投票总动员,我早已把主意拿定。Before my mother-in-law and my wife had launched a general mobilization campaign, beating their drum, I took my own decision.

PIXAR的动画票房在2003年的海底总动员之后就一直处于下滑状态,而他们即将面世的下一部作品将于今年7月上映,影片讲述一个2007年的机器人历险记。Pixar's next film is “WALL-E”, about the adventures of a robot in the year 2700, which will open in American cinemas in July.

PIXAR的动画票房在2003年的海底总动员之后就一直处于下滑状态,而他们即将面世的下一部作品将于今年7月上映,影片讲述一个2007年的机器人历险记。Pixar\\\\\\\'s next film is “WALL-E”, about the adventures of a robot in the year 2700, which will open in American cinemas in July.

在创造了玩具总动员,深海总动员和料理鼠王之后,又一次通过Wall.E创造出一个新的风格。Pixar Animation Studios, the innovators behind Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Ratatouille , has again reinvented the genre with WALL E.

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晚上,我们即将看到兰迪·纽曼,曼迪·摩尔和格温妮丝·帕特洛,他们将分别表演“玩具总动员3”“魔发奇缘”和“爱的小强”中的歌曲。The evening will see Randy Newman, Mandy Moore and Gwyneth Paltrow performing songs from Toy Story 3, Tangled and Country Strong respectively.

制作了玩具总动员和超人家族的动画工作室皮克斯已经宣布,在明年它所有的影片将会以三维的形式呈现。Pixar, the animation studio that made Toy Story and The Incredibles, has announced that from next year all of its films will be rendered in 3D.

迪斯尼史奴比也透露了他们在2011年的计划,包括“汽车总动员2”,“加勒比海盗4”和“国家宝藏3”。The Disney snoop also revealed the company’s other plans for the year 2011, including Cars 2 , Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and National Treasure 3.