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爸爸连连称我是是“篮球迷”。Dad says I'm "basketball fan".

会有点赌运,在麻将台上连连获胜!You might win a lot at the mahjong table.

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那匹马被火车吓得直喷鼻连连倒退。The horse snorted and shied at the train.

任由市场风云变幻,二元奇招连连不断!Changes In The Market, Two Yuan Shop Many Ways!

赖爷连连答应,要看鹬蚌相争。Lai I repeatedly promise, want to see the play.

冠军队连连获胜的好运被主队打断了。The home team broke the champions' winning streak.

许个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连,充满你即将来临的一年!Good luck and great success in the coming New Year!

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新娘涨红了脸,笑着连连点头。The bride rose Jim, smiled and nodded in agreement.

在公共场所,张大嘴巴连连打呵欠,显示你极度厌倦。Yawn publicly with an open mouth, indicating boredom.

谢谢也祝圣诞节快乐,新年新运,好事连连!With best wishes for Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

许个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连!Xu a wonderful wish to wish you a happy again and again!

并随机送奖项、彩金,让玩家惊喜连连。And randomly send prizes, prize money, players surprises.

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金妮的妈妈叹气连连,猜想肯定是电话费没交。Ginny's mom sighed and figured the bill hadn't been paid.

我不肯听巴兰的话,所以他倒为你们连连祝福。But I would not listen to Balaam . Indeed, he blessed you.

马太和马可采用的那个词,都解作「连连亲嘴」的意思。The word used by Matthew and Mark means to kiss repeatedly.

况且,他可能还拥有拍摄范围顶级的照相机,这厮真是好运连连。And he probably had a top of the range camera too. Lucky sod.

一些员工对于新的病假制度抱怨连连。Some staff members grumbling about the new sick-leave policy.

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大法官被气得连连拍案。The judge was enraged and stroke the table for several times.

魏东篱气得怒骂韩金铨,韩金铨只能连连道歉。BDBD hedge anger snarls Han Jinquan Han Jinquan can only apology.

与其事后抱怨连连,不如趁现在把握命运。I'd rather grasp my fate now than complain about everything later.