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我有一个里面有熊的大水晶球。I have a big snow globe with bears in it.

通过眼球速动睡眠,人们可以成为通晓未来的水晶球吗?Could REM sleep turn you into a crystal ball?

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最后将植物放到水晶球盆景中。Finally, place your plants inside the terrarium.

更少的软件意味着撇开水晶球。Less software means you put away the crystal ball.

海底轮也生出了一颗白色的水晶球。Wurzel-chakra also create a white crystal ball, too.

外国的占卜师通常都带着水晶球。Foreign fortune-tellers usually carry a crystal ball.

在水晶里面找寻信息是用水晶球占卜的一种形式。Looking for message within crystals is a form of scrying.

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在水晶球盆景中要放置水或雾收集器,以保持水分。Water or mist the terrarium sparingly, but keep it moist.

同时,三代火影从水晶球里看到了这一切,笑了。Meanwhile, the Hokage looks on through a crystal ball, smiling.

那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels.

要知道政府用来预测的水晶球总是对开销严重估计不足。But government crystal balls always massively underestimate costs.

这个沃特福德的水晶球要比去年的亮两倍。The Waterford Crystal ball is twice as bright as last year's version.

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安妮丝将他们发现价值连城的水晶球的事情全都告诉了母亲。Anneliese told her mother all about the valuable geodes they had found.

"是的,你会的",算命师看了看水晶球后说。"Yes, you will," the fortune teller says looking into her chrystal ball.

是水晶球里巧夺天工的神秘小楼?Crystal ball is in the mystery of wonderful artical excelling nature house?

在这最后一篇文章中,让我们来看看我们的水晶球。In this farewell article, let's have some fun and look into our crystal ball.

五颜六色的水晶球重近五四零零公斤。The colorful crystal ball weighs almost five thousand four hundred kilograms.

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我的水晶球显示住在雇主家的园丁和管家将大受欢迎。My crystal ball is showing a bull market in live-in gardeners and housekeepers.

折回到水晶球体旁他发现从青铜器的手中很容易地取出水晶球,就带着水晶球离开了金字塔。With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.

从不需要昏暗的房间、穆斯林头巾、熏香、水晶球或付费观众。There were no darkened rooms, turbans, incense, crystal balls, or paying audiences.