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他们试图引水上山。They try to conduct water uphill.

引水过了十天才到达北京。The water took ten days to reach Beijing.

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斗兽场甚至可以利用输水道引水。The Colosseum even may use the waterway pilot. A.

涵洞管道涵洞的沟渠或引水道。The channel or conduit for such a sewer or drain.

他们用软管引水冲洗马厩的地面。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

人们还会放水灯来指引水鬼。People also release water lanterns to guide water spirits.

凡是有道德的人都不会干这种引水祸邻的勾当。This is something all noble-minded persons are above doing.

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向北京引水更会增加许多压力。The diversion of water to Beijing will add to the pressures.

不存在汽蚀破坏及灌引水等问题。There is no cavitation damage and irrigation water and so on.

韶山灌区是湖南省迄今为止最大的引水灌溉工程。Hunan Shaoshan Irrigation Area is the largest irrigation water.

黄土高原自然条件特殊,耕作农业以引水灌溉为主。Irrigated farming is the primary kind of agricultures in mess plateau.

四用人力、兽力或其他简易方法引水。Water drawn by means of human power animal power or other simple means.

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该引水系统线路长、建筑物复杂、洞室围岩稳定性较差。The stability of the surrounding rock of the underground caverns is poor.

规划的引水量相当现在的年度流水量的三分之一。The amount to be diverted is more than one-third of the annual water flow.

本装置也可以应用于长输水管道抽水站及引水工程。It can also be used in pumping station and diversion works with long pipes.

该工程自1992年建成至今,引水排沙效果良好。This project has run quite well since the completion of the project in 1992.

低坝是灌区引水灌溉普遍采用的一种形式。Low dam is a diversion irrigating method adopted generally in irrigated area.

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表面凹坑缺陷是水电站引水压力钢管中的一类常见缺陷。Pits are common defects on surface of penstock of hydroelectric power stations.

引水工程根本就淹不到我们的老房子,可我们还是被要求搬迁。Our old home wasn't even being flooded for the project and we were asked to leave.

地理条件也有利于自然引水、输水、供水。Favorable geography and topography conditions effectuate water conveying by gravity.