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山式站立。Stand in Mountain pose.

站立或行走时要直。Stand and walk straight.

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我提着空桶站立着。I stood with my empty can.

熊有强壮的四肢,可以站立。Bears have four strong limbs.

请面向西南站立。Please stand facing southwest.

众人紧张地站立着。They are all standing tensely.

抽血的老太太站立在那儿。An old lady was standing there.

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山式站立,双手放在髋部。Stand in Tadasana, hands on hips.

要站立起来,更加坚强。I have to stand up to be stronger.

皮埃尔站立起来,帮助这个仆人。Pierre stood up to help the servant.

你能单脚站立多久?How long can you balance on one foot?

他两手叉腰站立着。Children standing akimbo by the fence.

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他站立在唯一的出口处。He stationed himself at the only exit.

起初,站立时,一条后腿会腿软。One rear leg will flex while standing.

奏国歌时大家都站立着。Everyone stood for the Natoinal Anthem.

我怔怔站立在原地,不知自我为伊谁。I stood there unawaring of where I was.

当裁判计数数到8时,他站立了起来。He stood up when the coach counted eight.

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必无一人能在你们面前站立得住。No man will be able to stand against you.

一只鹅单脚能站立多久?。When the goose walks out its another leg!

于是你站立到龙的环绕中间。And then you stood among the dragon-rings.