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希望有缘人在这里相会。Hope for see you here.

他们继续每天相会。They continue to meet daily.

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我们偶然相会。We met together by accident.

那么我们不能在巴黎相会了?Then we shall not meet in Paris?

陈文浩与梦晓薇相会。Meet XiaoWei wen-hao Chen and dream.

我们在发生灾难的时刻相会。We are meeting at a time of tragedy.

你可以不用在梦中和我相会了,我已经来到你身边。Now. just wake up. You've got work to do.

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我期待在拉斯维加斯与您相会!I look forward to meeting you in Las Vegas!

可能这就是当诗意与数学相会?Maybe this is where poetry meets mathematics?

有缘千里来相会。谢谢!Thousands of miles to meet his fate. Thank you!

为梦想,解烦恼,相会在博客。Travel dream, Lelax yourself , Meeting in boke.

我的爱人曾和我相会在柳园中。Down by the salley gardens ma love and I did meet.

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莎士比亚曾说“恋人总在旅程的终点相会”。Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in Iovers meeting."

相会的第一天竹笛奏了什么曲?。Meet the first day of bamboo flute music played what?

战争结束之后我们又一次在巴黎相会了。We were hurled together again in Paris after the war.

牛郎与织女一年才能在鹊桥上相会一次。Only once a year, the couple could meet on the Milky Way.

于是宙斯便规定一年之中有四分之一的时候可以让他们相会。Therefore, Zeus made them meet every quarter of the year.

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据说魔鬼在那儿与他相会。It was said, that ghost and fiend consorted with him there.

新月会与掌管艺术的海王星相会。That new moon will conjoin Neptune, the planet of the arts.

他们就是在断桥相会而产生了一段美好的故事的。They are generated in the bridge, meet some wonderful story.