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我们是慢性学习者。We are slow learners.

慢性心脏疾病咋办?Chronic heart disease?

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我的慢性气管炎也好了。My chronic tracheitis is healed.

怎样治疗慢性寻麻疹?。How does cure search hives chronically?

我有慢性胃痛的烦恼。I'm troubled with chronic stomachaches.

急性和慢性甲沟炎的手。Acute and chronic paronychia of the hand.

糖尿病是慢性终身性疾病。Diabetes Mellitus is a life-long illness.

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方法亚慢性毒性染毒试验。Methods Sub-acute toxicity was performed.

如何治疗慢性浔麻疹?。How to treat waterside chronically hives ?

可植入的智能芯片抗慢性疾病Implantable Smart Chip Fights Chronic Pain

50岁女性,慢性膝关节疼痛。A 50-year-old woman with chronic knee pain.

慢性白血病很少或根本没有癌变的母细胞。Chronic leukemias have few or no blast cells.

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慢性前列腺炎是青壮年男性的常见病、多发病。Chronic prostatitis is a common disease in male.

一些精神病人也有慢性骚痒。Some psychiatric patients also get chronic itch.

常见例子是慢性中耳炎。A common example is chronic middle ear infection.

强调一下,这些都是慢性疾病Again, these are chronic diseases the people get.

患有慢性阻塞性肺病的患者在饮食方面知识您知多少呢?How much do you know about eating well with COPD?

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慢性血肿是由什么引起的?怎么治疗?By what is chronic haematoma caused? How to treat?

特别是慢性的病痛会导致情绪暴躁。In particular, chronic pain can lead to grumpiness.

患有糖尿病或其他慢性代谢性疾病。Have diabetes or another chronic metabolic disorder.