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通常不会。Not usually.

通常都是些废话。Usually hogwash.

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茎通常丛生。Stems often tufted.

通常是在车中!Usually in the car!

它通常是奇数页。It is always a recto.

但通常他们是赚不到的。But they usually dont.

我通常6点钟醒来。I usually awake at six.

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不过他通常是在最后才表明态度。That was always the end.

瘦人们通常令人很沮丧。Thin people are downers.

快活的人通常都是傻瓜。Am man is usually a fool.

但通常都是失望而归。Often he is disappointed.

你通常都做什么菜呢?What do you usually cook?

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交货付款是我们通常的方法!C. O. D is our usual way !

萼裂片通常具缘毛。Calyx lobes often ciliate.

他通常都熬夜。He normally stays up late.

通常是去滑草。I usually go grass skiing.

习惯上我们通常说“久等”。We usually say "Jiu Deng".

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通常情况下设定一个领头者。Always, always have a lead.

他通常下午五点钟起床。He usually gets up at 1700.

我通常在早上七点钟醒来。I usually wake up at seven.