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负的裂解键能,所以在这我们会得到正数。So we're going to have a positive number there.

潜在的热裂解可能性是否降低了?Will the potential for thermal cracking be reduced?

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噬菌体已复制和给体细胞已发生裂解。The phage has replicated and the donor cells have lysed.

优化了裂解肠内容物中TGEV的方法。Method to dispose TGEV in intestinal sample was optimized.

加入950ul溶菌buffer到细胞中如步骤一再裂解一次。Add 950 ul lysis to the cell pellet and lyse again as step 1.

对于大多数分子,我们知道他们的裂解键能。And for lots of molecules, we know the dissociation energies.

利用乙醚裂解流行性感冒病毒,制得该疫苗。Using ether to spilt influenza virus to produce this vaccine.

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石脑油是乙烯裂解装置的主要原料之一。Naphtha is one of the chief raw materials for ethylene cracker.

裂解产物中含量最多的均为丁香酚及其同分异构体。The contents of eugenol and its isomers were most the pyrolysis.

设计出磁化裂解垃圾处理的设备。Design the magnetization cracking of garbage treatment equipment.

细胞壁的裂解是提取核酸的第一步。The lysis of the cells is the first step to extract nuclear acid.

在与4个机架的水平,裂解安全起见漆包线架。Enamelled wire racks on the side with 4 rack levels, pyrolysis-safe.

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裂解汽油加氢脱瓶颈,可以实现乙烯扩能。HDT of pygas is bottlenecked to realize ethylene expanding capacity.

为了区分开两条路径,我们首先考虑裂解循环。To disentangle the two pathways, first consider just the lytic cycle.

塔里木—华南地块于中三叠世后裂解。The Tarim south China massif was taphrogensised after Middle Triassic.

焚烧或裂解以回收溴或氢溴酸。Incineration of pyrolysis with recovery of bromine or hydrobromic acid.

考察了催化剂对石脑油催化裂解的影响。The impact of catalysts on naphtha catalytic cracking was investigated.

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蒎烷的催化裂解明显优于热裂解。Catalytic cracking of pinane was obviously superior to thermal cracking.

本文探讨了冈瓦纳古陆的形成和裂解的问题。The formation and splitting of Gondwana land is still open to discussion.

最后讨论了双戊烯脱氢和裂解反应过程。The procedure of dehydrogenation and cracking of dipentene was discussed.