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我终于渐入佳境。I'm finally getting better.

现在我的感觉是渐入佳境。My feeling is getting better now.

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他的种渐入佳境,但进展缓慢。He's kind of getting better, but slowly.

随着微软渐入佳境,他们的关系开始恶化。Relations worsened as Microsoft took off.

六0年代有一首名为「渐入佳境」的热门歌曲。A popular song from the 1960s was titled "Getting Better."

在这个不断学习与渐入佳境交易方法之一。Keep learning and getting better at this one method of trading.

卡福最近很少被媒体提到,但是这位巴西球星依然渐入佳境。This is what Marcos Cafu had to say at the afternoon press conference.

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打扫房子,抖一抖枕头。未来几天的浪漫情境将渐入佳境。Romantic conditions are going from OK to fabulous for the next couple of days.

来自法国香槟产业的数据表明英国的香槟销售正在渐入佳境。Figures from the French champagne industry show that sales in the UK are buoyant.

现在F4正渐入佳境,我带著兴奋与好奇的心情期盼著它的发展。Now things with F4 are really taking off and I'm excited to see where it will go.

读者倘能参照本文阅读原著,必能渐入佳境,获得极大的艺术享受。The present paper will help readers understand the stories better and enjoy them more.

你可能计划过跳槽,但如果没有,看起来也象是工作渐入佳境。You may have planned for a job switch, but if not, it all seems to work in your favor.

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搜索引擎谷歌尤其是在渐入佳境索引动态页面。The search engines and Google in particular are getting better at indexing dynamic pages.

新时期以来,老舍研究渐入佳境,日益成为目前学术研究的重镇。Since the new age, the study of Lao She is getting more and more important in academic field.

现在我们已渐入佳境,是今年夏天辛勤工作的成果!Now though we are getting to the good part, the payoff for all that hard work over the summer!

对于梦想着进入决赛的拜仁而言,渐入佳境比高调开局重要得多。The dream of finalists Bayern, getting better is much more important than a high-profile start.

卡福最近很少被媒体提到,但是这位巴西球星依然渐入佳境。Marcos Cafu has been written off a number of times but the Brazilian star is still going strong.

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按照其中一个方法做或多个方法同时试着去做看看,你的睡眠模式就会渐入佳境了,深睡眠然后身体得到休息。Try to implement one or more together and you'll get better sleeping patterns, deep sleep and body rest.

按照其中一个方法做或多个方法同时试着去做看看,你的睡眠模式就会渐入佳境了,深睡眠然后身体得到休息。Try to implement one or more together and you’ll get better sleeping patterns, deep sleep and body rest.

随着女性在双方关系中渐入佳境,体重便开始增加,平均增重4.5公斤。As the woman begins to feel comfortable in the relationship, she starts to gain weight, 4.5kg on average.