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带着这么多恩恩怨怨,两边队员开场都很谨慎。With so much at stake both sets of players made nervy starts.

是感情的恩恩怨怨的纠葛绊住了脚。It is imbroglio of feeling's kind And enmity holding up his feet.

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回顾过去的时候,那位老人已经记不得当年的恩恩怨怨。Looking back on the past days, the old man have forgotten the old scores.

多少是是非非,多少恩恩怨怨,尽然刹那间灰飞烟灭。The number of right and wrong, how much rivalry, quite the instant ashes.

回顾过去的时候,那位老人已经记不得当年的恩恩怨怨。That old man has forgotten the resentment before when he recalled the past.

回顾过去的时候,那位老人已经记不得当年的恩恩怨怨。When reviewing the past, that old man had not already remember the grudge then.

回顾过去的时候,那位老人已经记不得当年的恩恩怨怨。The old man had not remembered the old kindness and enmity when he reviewed the past.

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这场地震让全世界的人类都团结起来,过去的恩恩怨怨都化为乌有!This earthquake lets the world unite, and wash away all the past gratitude and grudges !

在里奥克拉罗的那天晚上,我并不知道杰克与科茨、温特以及拜罗姆兄弟之间的恩恩怨怨。That night in Rio Claro I didn't know anything about Coats and Winter and the Byrom Brothers.

看着他们恩恩怨怨的现实表演,日子倒也不闷。Looks that their gratitude and grudges the reality performance, the day but is actually not stuffy.

道贤坐在公园的长椅上,认真的深思着自从认识了仁惠以来,两人之间的恩恩怨怨。Dao Yin sitting on a park bench, the earnest ponder the since I knew RenHui since, EnEnYuanYuan between two people.

百事可乐与可口可乐的恩恩怨怨纷繁复杂,绵延百年之久,本文分十大模块对百事可乐与可口可乐进行全面对比。The rivalry between Coca-Cola and Pepsi is legendary. The brands have been fighting each other for more than a century.

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校园生活不仅仅只有看似枯燥的课程,还有下课时同学们的欢声笑语、恩恩怨怨以及求知的心!Campus life not only looks boring course, still have next class students of laughter and EnEnYuanYuan and knowledge heart!

用他独特的流动线条和生动色彩,Delhomme为我们描绘了房主、房子和建筑师之间的恩恩怨怨。With his characteristic fluid line and vivid colours, he depicts the trials and tribulations of the client, house and architects.

前世种下的恩恩怨怨、卿卿我我,缠缠绵绵,今生只为佳人却难以割舍,只道相应恨晚,莫须感伤情怀。Previous kind of gratitude and grudges, whispers of love, tangled up, just as a person has to leave, only the corresponding happened too late, not sentimental.

第四部分“结语”,主要是回顾傅斯年与周作人之间恩恩怨怨,并对他们之间的合作与分裂给予恰当的评价和定位。The fourth part is the end, the main idea is to review love and hate between Fu and Zhou, and gives the proper evaluation to their cooperation and division between them.

荣生母亲揭穿了一帆和大宝相互假的身份的事实非常生气,质问着一帆的母亲现在在哪里,非要见见她将这些年的恩恩怨怨说个清楚。RongSheng mother away YiFan and dabao mutual false identity fact very angry, query the YiFan mother is now in where, dont want to meet her will all these years of EnEnYuanYuan said a clear.