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希望如此,那目的地?I hope so. The destination?

这是我的最终目的地。This is my final destination.

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你一到达目的地就打开行李。Unpack as soon as you arrive.

我的目的地是秘鲁利马。My destination is Limas, Peru.

把它托运到我的目的地。Check it to my final destination.

我能扒车放在我的目的地吗?Can I drop it off at my destination?

他的目光在房间里漫无目的地扫来扫去。His eyes were roaming about the room.

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接下来,设置源和目的地。Next, set the source and destination.

沿着确定方向到达某一目的地的路线。Which is the shortest way to get tITe?

你要把她带去目的地,明白吗?You’ll have her there, you understand?

沿着一定方向到达某一目的地的路线。Which is the shortest way to get there?

终于,到了目的地青青世界。Finally, to the destination green world.

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创建一个消息总线与目的地。Create a messaging bus and a destination.

每条总线包括目的地列表。Each bus contains a list of destinations.

她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。She wandered aimlessly around the streets.

点到点的目的地是队列。Destinations for point-to-point are queues.

他在大街上漫无目的地徘徊。He wandered up and down the road aimlessly.

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没有目的地的船,连风也帮不了忙。No wind favors him who has no destined port.

在到达目的地的第一天放松一下。Relax xon the first day at your destination.

马儿拉着雪橇,跑向我们的目的地。The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh.