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你知道这个字的偏旁部首吗?Do you know the radical of this word?

学习一个新的笔画“撇点”和三个新的偏旁部首“讠”、“亻”和“女”。Learn a new stroke and recognize three new radicals.

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写出带有下列偏旁部首的字。Write the Chinese characters with following radicals.

这些不同的偏旁可以组成不同的汉字。These different structural parts may form different characters.

汉字偏旁名称至少可以追溯到唐初,而现代辞书鲜有提及。The names of the radicals of Chinese characters can be traced back to at least the early Tang Dynasty.

并且很多汉字中都有着相同的部分,它们被称作“偏旁”。Plus, many Chinese characters share the same parts, which are called components or basic structural parts.

汉字虽然没有字母,但是不同的偏旁也可以组成不同的汉字。Though Chinese characters have no letters, different structural parts may form different Chinese characters.

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在连续手写中文中,有偏旁部首离得较远的单字,单字之间可能会存在粘连、重叠。There are characters with apart far radicals and touching and overlapping characters in continuous handwriting Chinese.

片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis.

常见高频字,符合汉字偏旁部首规则,笔画在4~13划。Words were the common high-frequency characters, accorded to the law of Chinese characters components, and had 4-13 strokes.

本书分为“部首三字经”和“偏旁三字经”两篇。This book consists of two sections, Three Sinogram Verses Using Free Radicals and Three Sinogram Verses Using Bound Radicals.

当你看到带有这个偏旁的字,你会发现这些字基本上都有与手的动作相关的意思。When you see characters with this structural part, you may find that these characters are basically related to the motion of hands.

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对比之下,尽量中文也有构成汉字的那些共用的偏旁部首,却没有相应的字母。In comparison, Chinese has nothing that corresponds to an alphabet, though there are recurring components that make up the characters.

除了包含横笔和捺笔的部件在做偏旁时,笔画有变化以外,还有一些部分中的笔画也有变化。Apart from the horizontal and right-falling strokes, other strokes are also subject to modifications when used as the components of radicals.

我们已经探索发现由常用汉字的偏旁字符所构成的复杂网络具有小世界效应以及无标度特征。This study has found that the Complex Networks built up by the radicals of popular Chinese characters have Small World effect and Scale-free property.

可以说,汉字的偏旁部首是可以按两个方向来排列组合成汉字的,而不象字母那样只按一个方向排列,看起来很整洁。It can be said that the components of Chinese characters are arrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensional rows of alphabetic writing.

本文认为,在现代汉语课程汉字部分,偏旁和部件应分别教学,并对一些问题的处理提出了自己的看法。This article holds that constructive parts and components should be taught separately in modern Chinese teaching. Solutions are also provided in the article.

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这种文字有的是借用汉字的偏旁部首重新组合而成,有的是借用汉字注壮语音义,有些是创造的类象形字。Such a word either to use Chinese characters by means of radical re-combination, and some borrowed voice Yi Zhuang Chinese Note, some is to create a class pictograph.

不仅如此,从汉字字体的微观形式来看,构成汉字字体的笔画,偏旁,部首等要素同样也是中华民族装饰艺术的基本元素。Moreover, from the micro form, a strokes of a Chinese character, radical of character, are the same radical elements of the Chinese nation decorative arts fundamentals.

有些字归入两个部,以某个部首字的变体作偏旁的字仍归入该部。Some characters are lined in the above two parts. The character with the variant of certain radical character as the side character is still lined into that radical part.