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他从侧门溜了进去。He goes around the side and slips in.

他们俩都听见有人敲侧门。They both heard a knock at the side door.

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需要帮忙吗?”他从侧门那边喊道。“Want help?” he calls from the side door.

而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。The groom enters the church from a side door.

但是后来还是让他从侧门进来了。But they ended up having him come in on the side.

侧门是闸板防喷器中的关键部件。The side-door is a key component in ram preventer.

取而代之的,是一块砖头砸到了他的“美洲豹”侧门。Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag 's side door!

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相反,一块砖头却撞在“美洲虎”的侧门上。Instead, a brick smashed into② the Jag 's side door!

可方便拆卸的左右侧门和前后门。Side door, front and back door can be taken down easily.

单冻机运行过程中尽量避免开启侧门。Avoid to open side door under the running of IQF machine.

列车所有侧门的操作方法相同。All side doors throughout the trainset operate identically.

巨大的玻璃侧门供驾驶者和乘客进出。Huge glass side doors slide open to enterand exit this vehicle.

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很明显可见,侧门遮阳篷铁支是伸向我的客户的房子。Visibly, the side door awning is stretching towards my customer's house.

他说他已经敲侧门15分钟了,我想Sarah一定是没听到,那会她正在楼上打扫卧室。He said he had knocked at the side door with his knuckles for a quarter of an hour.

修道院后面有一道开向德罕的侧门,从德罕就能到河岸去。Behind the cloister there is a little door which opens on the Terrain and the water.

战士们从城墙的侧门出来,向包围他们的人发动进攻。The soldiers issued forth from a side gated in the wall, and attacked their besiegers.

所有的人员都应该通过淋浴室的侧门进入生产区域的。ALL personnel will enter the facilities ONLY through the west door of the shower rooms.

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东侧门供文武官员出入,西侧门供宗室王公出入。The east opening was for the ministers while the west opening was for the royal family.

他急急绕到侧门,友好的看门人放他进了后台。He fairly hustled around to the side entrance and was let in by the friendly door-keeper.

他急急绕到侧门,友好的看门人放他进了后台。He fairly hustled around to the side entrance, and was let in by the friendly door-keeper.