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他倾向于和平主义。He leaned to pacifism.

倾向于感到罪恶感。Tends to feel guilty. 057.

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怎样缓和这种倾向呢?How to mitigate this trend?

我倾向于他的看法。My view trends towards his.

倾向于感到嫉妒。Tends to feel envious. 042.

我倾向于面对我的听众。I prefer to face my listener.

你有悲观者的倾向。You tend② to be a pessimist③.

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多么病态又有被虐倾向的狮子啊。What a sick, masochistic lion.

她的文风倾向于雕琢。Her style tends to elaboration.

我甚至有点阿贝尔④主义的倾向。I am even a bit of a Hebertist.

一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向An inclination covers the other.

这个倾向会渗入到招聘中。This tendency seeps into hiring.

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但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。But a brutal streak went with it.

但这是一个具有错误倾向的设置。But that is an error-prone setup.

我赞同倾向于火之说。I hold with those who favor fire.

倾向于移动或动来动去的。One that cannot move or be moved.

他有袭警的暴力倾向。He tends to antagonize the police.

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我倾向于认为她是对的。I tend to think that she is right.

使你倾向我多变的愿望。Incline thee to my changeful will.

未来我们的思想倾向会不会有变化呢?Is a mindset change in our future?