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这是反革命案件。This is a counterrevolutionary case.

而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

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林彪、江青是反革命集团。Lin Biao and Jiang Qing formed counter-revolutionary cliques.

当然不会放过老陈,把他也打成了反革命。Of course not miss Chen, also drew him counter-revolutionary.

新闻界痛斥了对反革命的暗中支持。The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.

反革命分子怎样耍两面派手法呢?How do counter-revolutionaries employ their double-dealing tactics?

最后,革命一定会战胜反革命。In the end the revolution is bound to defeat the counterrevolution.

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解放以后,我们肃清了一批反革命分子。After liberation , we rooted out a number of counter-revolutionaries.

反革命的结果是十分血腥的。The consequences of the counter-revolution have been extremely bloody.

在中国,是武装的革命反对武装的反革命。In China the armed revolution is fighting the armed counter-revolution.

我们也不捉人,当然反革命的除外。And we won't arrest anyone, except, of course, counter- revolutionaries.

为了反革命,他创造了一个庞大的“中央军”。He has created a huge "Central Army" for counter-revolutionary purposes.

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祝我们在镇压反革命战线上的胜利!Victory on the front of our movement to suppress counter-revolutionaries!

实际上,在革命路上踌躇犹豫者通常都被视为反革命分子。Indeed, tarrying along the way is usually regarded as counterrevolutionary.

靖卫团是一种反革命的地方武装。Pacification Guards were a kind of local counter-revolutionary armed force.

这样出现反革命的危险会最大程度的降低。This way the danger of counter-revolution can be reduced to a great extent.

美国所谓的革命不过如此。而由此招致的反革命也半斤八两。So much for a revolution. But here comes the counter-revolution just the same.

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幸亏12号窗口的职员未将我定性为反革命分子。Fortunately, the official at Window 12 didn’t peg me as a counterrevolutionary.

而胡风分子所代表的反革命力量呢?And how about the counter-revolutionary forces represented by the Hu Feng elements?

刑法的修正条款废除了“反革命”活动罪。The criminal law amendments abolished the crime of " counter-revolutionary" activity.