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这男孩把房间弄得参差不齐的。The boy made the room at sixes and sevens.

他只是看起来像参差不齐少年向我。He just looks like a spotty teenager to me.

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这些个人主页的质量参差不齐。The quality of these personal homepages vary greatly.

首先是地球的表面的参差不齐的热化在星期日以前。First is the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun.

我所能辨认出来的,只有一条参差不齐的长线条,其中有一些高的凸起。All I could make out was a long, jagged line with some high plateaus.

玫绝望地看着额前那参差不齐的刘海儿,痛苦失声。wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead.

她留着一头深黑色修剪得参差不齐的短发,指着每一个方向。Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.

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对无核程度参差不齐无核葡萄品种。The degree of seedlessness varies greatly among seedless grape varieties.

远处,是间间参差不齐的瓦房,模糊,而又清晰。Distance, is uneven between the inter-tile-roofed house, fuzzy, and clear.

几朵参差不齐的云彩漂浮在上空,薄纱般闪动的星星,他的心砰砰跳着,碰碰跳着。A few ragged clouds overhead, a gauze of stars, his heart pumping, pumping.

洛威尔对居住着秃鹰、安第斯猫和狐狸等生物的参差不齐的山峰进行了测绘调查。Lowellsurveyed the jagged peaks inhabited by condors, Andean cats and foxes.

在建筑当中切出参差不齐的咽喉小道以便采光。jagged gorges are scooped out of the buildings to carve pathways for sunlight.

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现在市面上各种各样的辅导书很多,质量高低参差不齐。The book coachs variously on market now a lot of, quality discretion is uneven.

六方会谈于2003年启动,时断时续地取得了参差不齐的成果。The talks started in 2003 and have proceeded intermittently with mixed results.

课余训练队参差不齐,管理不规范,训练不系统,体育竞赛环境有待净化等等。The team of training is lack of management and their training is not systematic.

相比较而言,雨量计更加准确,但是这种覆盖面准确度的价值却参差不齐。Gauges are much more accurate, but the price of that accuracy is spotty coverage.

叶毛羽和花头大小、质地是参差不齐字。Leaf texture and hairiness and flower head size are the highly variable characters.

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继续往前走,又来到一块荷花塘边,大小不一的荷花叶参差不齐。To continue to move forward, they came to a lotus pond, the lotus leaf mixed sizes.

朱莉曾埋怨我哈密瓜切得参差不齐,就像纳斯达克曲线。Julie once complained that I cut cantaloupes all jaggedly, like a graph of the NASDAQ.

还有这些年出门在外参差不齐的剪发,终在舟山又找到了满意的师傅。And all these years out of uneven haircut, the end in zhoushan and found satisfactory teacher.