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这等价于各种成分的平面波的角分布。This is equivalent to an angular distribution of constituent plane waves.

在其它方面一个动量特征态具有一平面波形。An eigenstate of momentum, on the other hand, has the form of a plane wave.

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作为比较,文中也对平面波和球面波的入射进行了分析。For comparison, the incidences of plane and spherical wave are also analyzed.

由胡克定律直接得到弹性体内平面波波动方程。The wave equations of plane wave in elastic solids are derived from Hooke law.

在自由粒子的情况下给出了粒子的平面波解和球面波解。The plane wave solution and spherical wave solution to free particles are also given.

我们用全势线性缀加平面波方法计算研究了两类新超导体的超导电性。We use FP-LAPW method to study the superconductivity of two type new superconductors.

本文介绍了余弦窗函数,并将其应用到平面波综合技术中。The cosine window function is introduced and applied in the plane wave synthesis technique.

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然而,路径长度折射镜能够在宽频带范围内产生平面波。The path length refractor, however, can generate planar wavefronts over a wide operating band.

由于平面波发生的并非传统的号筒,可将其认同为衍射槽的开口。Because the PWG is not a conventional horn we can make the mouth of the device a diffraction slot.

本文构造了一种在二层介质中平面波传播的时—深转换模型。The paper constructed a time depth conversion model of plane wave propagation in two layer medium.

设计了硝基甲烷作为主发炸药,铅锡锑合金作为整形器的简易平面波透镜。A simple plane-wave lens, using lead wave shaper and nitromethane donor explosive, has been designed.

讨论了波束宽度等因素对其散射特性的影响并与平面波入射的结果进行了比较。The numerical results are discussed and compared with those obtained in the plane wave incident case.

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修正了与自动分割在标签的数字转换时,平面波电压源使用。Bugfix in tag-number conversion when plane-wave voltage-source is used together with auto-segmentation.

本文的分析方法,也适用于研究任何多层介质多金属导带的平面波导结构。The method of analysis can be used in the multi-layer dielectric and multi-metallized strips structure.

采用平面波算法研究了二维正方点阵声子晶体的禁带结构。Band gap structure of 2D phononic crystals with square lattices was studied by plane wave expansion method.

本文研究平面波倾斜入射在小F数毫米波焦面阵成像系统上衍射斑像差减小即视场扩大问题。Expanding of Field-of-view for small F-number millimeter wave focal plane imaging is analyzed in this paper.

当声波是空间位置和时间的周期函数时,平面波误差项永远是一负偏差项。The plane wave error is always negative windage, when the sound wave is the cycle function of space and time.

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提出了一套基于平面波分解的波动方程叠前地震数据深度偏移方法。Based on plane wave decomposition, We propose a wave-equation depth migration method for pre-stack seismic data.

平面波经圆孔光阑衍射的表征是直接基于麦克斯韦方程组。The description of a plane wave diffracted by a circular aperture is directly started from the Maxwell's equations.

从离子交换平面波导的发光特性和稳定性上看,磷酸盐玻璃是目前实现激光放大的良好材料,但是条型波导的制备还有难度。So Er doped phosphate glasses are good materials for making EDWA, but the channel waveguides are not easy to be made.