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我们是比邻。We are next-door neighbours.

⊙、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。Sea memory confidant, tianya zorpia.

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工匠们的店铺与宫殿比邻共存。Arti sans' stalls and palaces stand side by side.

罗琳会面,两人在峰会召开前的一个晚宴上比邻而坐。K.Rowling when she sits next to her at a pre-summit dinner.

但如今在市区或者市郊,比邻而居并不常见。But today in our cities and suburbs, neighboring is not common.

天津是和北京比邻的海港城市,坐汽车两个小时。Tianjin is Beijing's neighboring harbor city, two hours away by bus.

归根到底,这是必须比邻而居的以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的问题。Ultimately it is Israelis and Palestinians who must live side by side.

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与景区比邻而居,快铁直达,1小时大成都圈。With the area of neighbors, fast iron direct, 1 hours to Chengdu circle.

况且,一个人若能比邻人更其公义,这便已经构成了多数。Moreover, any man more right than his neighbors constitutes majority of one already.

假如你望着北方的星空,你就会看到两个星座比邻而居。If you look in the northern sky, you can see these two constellations next to each other.

苏禄海域与中国南海比邻,仅被狭长的菲律宾巴拉望岛所隔。The Sulu Sea is separated from the South China Sea only by the narrow Philippine island of Palawan.

这些来自卡西克比邻星球的冷血种族很久以来就对伍基人心怀怨恨。These reptilians are from a world neighboring Kashyyyk, and have long had grievances with the Wookiees.

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近日又在比邻电塔下的工作台上设立了平台让海雕造巢。In the last few days HKE offered an alternative nesting site at the working platform below the adjacent pylon.

尽管该地葡萄酒产量小于比邻的纳帕,但酒的品质上乘,酒庄风景震撼人心。Napa's neighbor is smaller in terms of wine production, but has highly sought-after wines and sweeping vistas.

英格兰的一个郡,坐落在爱尔兰海旁边,与坎伯兰郡、约克夏、柴郡比邻。A county of England, lying on the Irish Sea, and bounded by Cumberland , Westmoreland, Yorkshire, and Cheshire.

东南亚国家为在比邻强大的中国制造力量中求生存而研究了不同策略.Southeast Asian nations have honed different strategies for living next to the Chinese manufacturing juggernaut.

同时我在深深的失落中意识到,和自然比邻而居的人们,也无可避免的会在自然灾害中遭受到重大的损失。I feel a wistful sense of loss to realize that people who live close to nature had heavily losses in natural disasters.

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尽管两种人类比邻数千年之久,但有研究证明他们之间没有或几乎没有通婚。In spite of this, the research proves there was no or hardly any intermarriage between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis.

瑞安,科里和特雷西比邻而居,还有瓦妮莎·琼斯,一个可爱伶俐,聪颖好学的女孩子,和严厉的家长住在一起。Ryan T. , Corey and Tracy lived in the same neighborhood, as did Vanessa Jones, a cute, studious girl with strict parents.

总公司坐落于南傍渤海,北依燕山,比邻京津的“凤凰城”唐山。Company is located in Bohai along the south, north depends on Yanshan, near Beijing and Tianjin "Phoenix City" in Tangshan.